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Champion of Champions
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Champion of Champions
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Champion of Champions
First tournament of its kind.
4 players all 400+
1st round matches (bo19):
UltimateSkillz vs DJ KRIS

Firstslowdown vs The Crown  

1. Smash the reds
2. The second player(the player who is not breaking) will have the first shot.
3. If first player pots the red on break, he will continue the break.
4. Safety allowed only when 1 red is remaining and also on respotted black.
5. Matches can be finished in 2 sittings.

* Final will be bo25 prob over 3 sessions.
Have fun and Good luck to all the players.

If anyone think they can win in this format let me know.

In first match, Skillzo vs DJ. 
DJ won by 10-1.
The scoreline doesn't justify the match. 4 to 5 frames come down to colors and unfortunately for Skillzo, he was on the wrong end.
Highest break 53 by DJ(not confirmed)!
Congrats to DJ, he is in the final
you can play in next one if u like :D
Im here .. and what i gonna do next ?  to play
good idea and top rules (Y),but i have no time to play bo19 ;-)
Just quick updates about the next tournament( m thinking next week)
Will have at least 8 players.
Expected new players: 
Blazing star

Considering a shorter format with same rules:
1 round matches : bo11
2nd round including semifinals: bo15
Final: bo19.

If anyone else would like to join/have suggestions post here or talk to me. 

Time to come out of retirement :D
can i play quick snooker (6 reds)? :D 15 snookers I don't have time
 :D :D If Gary's playing next tourney...just give him trophy now :D :D
not a chance to beat him man :D
even bo5 I can't, bo19 is impossible man!!
Me vs The Crown (Winner to play DJ in the final)
At the end of first session The Crown is 5-4 up. I missed couple of easy balls and got punished as went from 2-2 to 5-2 as I Lost a frame on final black(still hurts :D). Then crawled my way back with couple of 40 odd breaks. 
2 50+ breaks so far in the match
58 by Crown and 56 by me :)
Still all to play might just go down to the wire. Expected to play tomorrow 4 pm Eastern time :)
Lost to Crown 10-6 :(
Didn't play well at all in 2nd sessions my highest break 37.
Crown made breaks of 3 50+ breaks or maybe 4 winning quite easily in the end.
Highest break of match: 67 (Crown)
Final is between DJ vs The Crown in bo25 :D
Winner is the Champion of Champions gl m8s :)
What a great final!!! 13-12

Both players played very well was always going to be close.

Congrats DJ on winning Champion of Champions

Highest break: 90 by DJ :)

more than 8 50+ breaks in the final!