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Server down
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Server down
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Server down
leading 4-1 Final end and the opponents server goes down. He refuses to quit the game. Right or Wrong?
 Great advice from both experts ;) ;):p, bjr les filles 
If mersey's advice doesn't work......

Try slipping it in and out - see if that works.
have you tried unplugging then plugging it back in??
 Ze hamer fal,ande no strik to had,ze mak mitstake,zen ze hamer stik !!!
Disconnections happen.

Deal with it.
If someone quits, wouldn't the game end their connection and no re-try it? Anyway, it's rare I believe, so it shouldn't take up much of your time.
How do you know he refused to quit ? Maybe he did quit, but the window got hanging on your connection.
I don't know how that works server-wise but how did his server go down and him still remain connected to the game? How long did the game hang like that? I've seen it last for a couple of minutes.