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4 wins less than 20 minutes?
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4 wins less than 20 minutes?
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4 wins less than 20 minutes?

I  was in a tournament (06-13). Two ends format.

I finish a normal game (pace) and return to the lobby.
In less than 20 minutes, a player was already at 4-0 and already playing his 5th game.  

How is that possible?
You wouldn't have won anyways - so don't worry about it.
Tenenbaums !!,was your opponent Texas-rattle-snake by any chance ?? ,A snake may shed it's skin,but underneath,it will always be a SNAKE.
Foreign exchange:  

Some players silence opponents during tournaments or prefer to watch others playing to avoid a potential loss to lower ranked players.

Those are two issues that should be resolved.  People should not be able to scheme 4 wins in less than 20 minutes, and players should not be allowed to chicken out during tournaments. 

Anyone who likes good clean competition will agree with me on these issues.  The rest, well, they have their motivations...
Fair Enough.

You want some good/clean competition?

I challenge you to a 10 end game.


Dude, I am pointing out flaws in the functionality of the game.  

Explain to me how challenging me to a game would in any way address the issues I brought up.
I'm an elite player.

If you can't beat me - then you don't need to worry about winning any tournaments.
Foreign, I just finished reading posts by you clearly stating that "your post help people and answer their questions" Now I read this and think hhhmmmm. I haven't been on this site for a few months bc of medical issues. I was remaining completely neutral on your "argument" with Mark. Because I really didn't and don't know where that bad blood started or what. But this person asks a legitimate question, and you come back with this kind of answer?? I mean why reply at all just to insult someone ?? Makes me think that maybe your not the "good" guy "helping" people, that you portray yourself to be.   
Tenebaums, the answer to your question is: they cheated, and every tournament is reviewed later by mods, to see if actual "playing" went on, they will be caught. And I don't know why Foreign is giving you a hard time. You never said anything about winning tourny. I have been on this site for a few years now. I have seen people get in trouble for doing that. Usually they use multiple nicks. (kind of sick if you think about it, to pay for more than one subscription just to cheat??)There are also other ways that can happen, there are some players who will start and then run away, I had it happen twice right off the bat in a tourny, but never 4x. The person may have had a couple of quitters then played a match or two in 20 mims. they are only 2 ends. But usually when that happens they are cheating. If that happens again, call the person out, bring it to the other players attention. Most are ok. Some though are like , Mr. Exchange.