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Best players 2017
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Best players 2017
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Best players 2017
1. Twister
2. Scribbles
3. Mukedup
4. Nuclic Acid (I left the e out)
5. Max
6. FTW Flower
7. Kobe
8. Wolf
9. Smurf Tina 
10. Nitro

If there was a spot for number 11, it would be a toss up between FTW Warrior, and Moose
You're losing your touch Justina, not half as amusing as previous ones. 

Tell you what amused me though. Oh boy, did it ever!
The day you recruited Kobe to XC to make it look dominant again, boy was that hilarious! Yeah, just like me stomping him 10-4 countless times in room 4 because he was to afraid of losing in front of people he bad mouthed on a daily basis.
This is some of the #Americafirst, commments no one takes any serious because no one of your so called best players played 1 match in 2017.

This is my list,

1. mathamagician
2. King Tornado
3. Sherman Killerz
4. Blood23
5. TerminatorAzteca
6. Demolidor BR
7. SnowBoarD
8. Comando Militar
9. golden5
10. motivate1000

When your memories wouldnt go futher then 10 years ago i shouldnt it called Best players 2017 but "Best players absent" no hate intended & thanks for the memories. :)
Lol you cannot tell me it wasn't funny. But the question is...who is moose? 
And I never recruited Kobe. To be fair, we always clashed. When Kobe and I were on Tanx, you weren't even a name people spoke. I think it was a bit before your time. It is great seeing you still have passion for tanx though. Maybe one day it will be revived. I for one though don't even have a PC anymore.
Jeff is the one lying here and because he got no one to play because no one wants to be around with him, makes him forget to take his crazy pills..

I hope he wont get diabetes..

Have a good game, i will be thinking of you peeps. :D
Only good one on that list is Nitro, rest were terrible, including Justin. He was always my strap on shlobbalong schlongdong lil puppy dog.
still rockin 2nd Lieutenant badge nuc? ;-)
so many names i recognize :p  hope you all are doing well!
Acid hasnt had 200 since 2013 and when he did it was on Sams Rookie nick lol. 
wait...i haven't play this game since 2012...i was too busy preparing for doomsday...under my bunker like the fuhrer. So idk how i made it to 5th spot? lol ty anyway...is nice to see some people still remember my skills.:)