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Server Miscalculating Match?
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Server Miscalculating Match?
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Server Miscalculating Match?
I should have lost a game of Go with someone called Gogoo, however it said that I won and didn't count any of his territory despite it being completely closed off, I'm not sure what happened.

I have a screenshot but I'm not sure how to post it?

Please help!!

Thank you.
I played someone named RICO.  I lost by a narrow margin, but the final board shown with the score had a lot of misrepresentations on it.  E.g. it showed RICO as controlling territory that was clearly won by me during the game.

It happened again but on a much larger scale and with someone witch a much higher rank. Please please please help me contact someone who can help me!

Link to the screenshot! ↓

I also don't know if there's a more direct way I can talk to someone but if there is let me know!