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Goodbye, Grand Prix!
Goodbye, Grand Prix!
Goodbye, Grand Prix!
After 2014, when the administrators gave the victory in the Grand Prix added Gabriella +3 points (I have won it), slot tournament system almost every tournament almost ceased to give me hammers. Usually from 7-8 games I get an average of 1-2 hammer. It is especially difficult when in a row of 5 or 6 games I need to steal the end. I've tolerated this for 2 years, but recent tournaments have filled my Cup of patience. I play this championship and I will no longer take active part in tournaments. A separate request administrator (if this site even has an administrator!) to correct the statistics, the number of tournaments won by me. I've won 47 tournaments, up from 45 in the statistics. Apparently statistics on this site are the same shit as the administrator and moderators.
I know that you never asked about your problems, we have lives & nobody has that amount of time on their hands.
Rymata, are you honestly saying that FOD has rigged it so that you won't get the hammer?? Newfoundland was right, if you weren't playing those little 2 end tournament matches, who ever had the hammer 1st wouldn't matter. Ive been here quite a few years, and its amazing, the little "squirts" I call them, that come on here and play only one end. Some will, when end 1st starts will even run if they don't have hammer. They don't even care about the pts lost, they just think they can win with the hammer. You are better at this game than I am, but even I have learned to adjust to having hammer 1st and not having it 1st. Also, consider this,  every time YOU have hammer 1st, someone else doesn't. I have gone 8 matches in a row  before without getting hammer 1st, over a two tournament period.   
Poor old Ramy, still complaining (making excuses)about pretty much everything when he loses or misses a shot. Constantly complaining about bowlers and the server is his favorite passtime. Well Ramy, isn't the ultimate goal of the game to win by using a strategy that outsmarts and outperforms your opponents? There is no right or wrong strategy in curling, learn to adapt or at least stop whining when we play a strategy that you can't handle. If you need help to win, then you are not as good as you think you are. 

Bowling whiners should watch a competative game of curling once in a while before crying about a common strategy used by most of the top teams in the world today.
I didn't ask you about my problems, Wullie. More better if you learn to play like normal players but not your today level!
The only problem I have with you Ry is you constantly moan about BOWLERS.
Another possibility is that you have a selective memory. I find it hard to believe FOD has decided to treat you differently than other players. 
I cant imagine myself playing so actively as a father of a family... :D (im not judging..)
to Newfoundland

Thank you for adequate post but you are a little misunderstood my message. I am outraged by the injustice because I have almost every tournament for the past 2 years was in a losing situation. If it was rare but it was in almost every tournament. What about the relationship to reality, you are aware of the fact that I previously (2013-2014 g) played quite actively, and was in the TOP players of the game (owned by the crown to the rating leader). I have won the best players like Talent1, brb/Trout, against LionKing3 I even have a positive balance in tournaments (+4-3=7). Was including Vinnie Jones, WIND, Mg. 77, Hassan and others. There was not one player that I played that I never beat it. Another thing is that this game is virtual but I have a family, a business and I didn't have time even just to play. The last 2 years I participate in tournaments not exercising, because for me real life is a million times more important than toys on the Internet. So don't mistake my outrage at the injustice of the distribution system with mixing real life with virtual
RYMATA, I truly believe that you have lost more than credit for a couple of tournaments, you have lost the reality that this is only a game. You are referencing stats from 2014....get over it!!! If this game and its stats are so important to you, I genuinely feel bad that this is all you have in your life to make you feel important. Try playing against other good players outside of the tournament field and for more than an end or two, that way, having the hammer wouldn't matter because it's a 8 or 10 end game. Additionally, try your skills against high rated players on a regular basis and not only what ever opponent the tournament throws at you. This way we will be able to tell if you are truly as good as you obviously think you are. Again, this is only a game, I'm sure Grand Prix would be happy to see you go and retire the whine!!!
RYMATA, I truly believe that you have lost more than credit for a couple of tournaments, you have lost the reality that this is only a game. You are referencing stats from 2014....get over it!!! If this game and its stats are so important to you, I genuinely feel bad that this is all you have in your life to make you feel important. Try playing against other good players outside of the tournament field and for more than an end or two, that way, having the hammer wouldn't matter because it's a 8 or 10 end game. Additionally, try your skills against high rated players on a regular basis and not only what ever opponent the tournament throws at you. This way we will be able to tell if you are truly as good as you obviously think you are. Again, this is only a game, I'm sure Grand Prix would be happy to see you go and retire the whine!!!