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@FlyOrDie - Explain This?
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@FlyOrDie - Explain This?
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@FlyOrDie - Explain This?
How can someone possibly have the age of 120 or higher on their profile?..

Iv seen several people with 123 and such as their age yet the limit is clearly 99 on the profile settings page and FlyOrDie has not been out for 20+ Years..so did someone tamper in order to do that or was it done via request? I'm just curious because I don't see how that's possible otherwise if it's not an option for everyone. And yes I'm a subscriber and it's not an option to go above 99 for me.

What kind of feature is that to make exclusive to an ipad?

That's literally pointless lol.
Hi buddy 

On iPads you can have 126 

Keep safe smile more 

And I got 122 of age I'm very old lol