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I have recorded 500 games and I have mathematical prove
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I have recorded 500 games and I have mathematical prove
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I have recorded 500 games and I have mathematical prove
that the dice are not random!!!
I discover this in Tavla Plus I discover this in Backgammon live and now flyordie apparently is cheating you !!!!
I have also recorded many thousands of rolls and have proved to myself that the game is rigged. For example the number of doubles (6/6 5/5 etc) is statistically impossible if the dice were random. 

BUT the owners simply deny this. IF they really thought that the programme was fair they'd start a process of openly recording all throws so that users could see the truth. But they won't because this would expose a truth they'd prefer to be kept quiet.
I second this problem! Seriously this site is Screwed up!
I'm so pissed it's not even funny! How can I or anyone else roll so many consecutive doubles?! How can I not roll the missing single value I need for 10 plus rolls?

I'm not a bad player. But if the server decides its my time to go down, I'm going! Its takes me OUT! All by its freaking self. 
You are completly right
The  Server of this board cheats
Why would the people who run the site rig any game? To drive people away from the site?
If you check, most player win around 50% of the time. They don't let you win more often. I've had people roll doubles 4x in a row to win or get he perfect roll 2x in a row. You have a better chance getting struck by lightning
Though i do doubt you did, I really hope you didn't record 500 games. 

Absolute waste of time.I've complained about the dice before, mainly because i had lost 10 games in a row and was frustrated. 

My advice is either get a friend and play it for real, or just keep playing until you go on a streak when you seem to just keep winning. 
Yes, I have played this site off and on and I do second the dice are not random. I have come up with a very basic configuration. 

It appears when I play lower rated players than me, I lose more frequent. Furthermore when a player is new to the site the dice can be more forgiving for them. (~) I have also come to the realization that the dice try to even out the game by giving doubles to the opponent and giving you an oppurtunity to take the opponent that next roll. However it is a trap, as the server will just roll them a roll for the opponent to take you. Furthermore, in video game making, nothing can be random. It is actually impossible. There is nothing that can be done to these dice other than a programming look over for the dice which should have been done in 2006. Yes I have been off and on this site since about 2005. This backgammon has driven me away from this site as well as problems in the 4 in a row lobby. It seems as though you lose more points when you don't play consecutively within 24 hours. Thats stupid if you ask me however I can see the marketing tool. Thanks to this site for going downhill. You can see it has gone downhill with the amount of players in the 4 in a row lobby. Back in 2006 there used to be 120 players on an average day and now you'll be lucky to see 50. No complaining here, just facts that need stated. 

In regards to the reply stating why would the server give bad luck you as it would just drive you away. Well, the server is doing just that and why would we be saying something as a whole if it wasn't? Why would we make that up? We're mad because we lost one game, ok, cool, but an average of 500 rolls. Nobody knows and the dice need a better look over. 

Camaro Iroc-z {305-tpi v8. 700r4 Automatic, hardtop}
96 Camaro RS {3.8 Turbocharged v6, T-top 426Hp}
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Its a great app but it amusing when your opponent roles double 5s 4 times topena game or 6s, 5s and 3s to end it.  This happens all the time.  You just need to forget about the outcome and enjoy the play as there is nothing random about the dice.
100% correct the dice are not random. I am trying to figure out the fixed system, though. One thing for sure: the opening rolls are overwhelmingly 3-1, 4-2, and 6-1. Totally corrupt to ensure frequent play.

Main objective here is to sell advertising and maximize players, not offer a FAIR and REAL game of bg.
Please help us:
How can  3-1, 4-2, and 6-1 starting rolls help to sell advertising and maximize players?
The game is configured to allow a win rate around 50%. If you start to get higher than that, your opponent magically gets statistically remote rolls to win - again and again. Keep everyone winning enough to stay. It's a joke
Please help us... We've paid money to play a game. We were tricked into thinking that the dice rolls would be random and we believe they are NOT.

Please help us and program the dice randomly, and/or state clearly that they ARE random.
It has been stated numerous times that the dice ARE random.

It has been also asked numerous times that if you feel that they are not, please try to collect some evidence that they are not. 
Hopefully you will be convinced this way by yourself, if you investigate it thoroughly, that all of the fabrications expressed in this forum (and elsewhere) were purely due to the fact that human nature tends to remember bad luck better than good luck, and due to the fact that some players misinterpret the term "random".

Until now we have only received pure fabrications, not a single evidence of anything that could imply that the dice are not random.
You can check:
 and think about what would it take to program the dice to fulfill all these conspiracies.

If you are still not convinced, please try to find a reason why would it be the interest of any backgammon game developer to program the dice in any way that is not random. For example what would be the point in programming the dice so that "the opening rolls are overwhelmingly 3-1, 4-2, and 6-1" (like some players suspect in this forum)?

Thank you for your understanding
I have just posted this on another  thread, but what I want to know is why are they so biased sometimes, who benefits from this?

After a game yesterday, I am now convinced the dice take sides.
The scenario, I have 3,4,5,6 and bar point covered with 2   stones on each 3 stones on 13, my back stones were split 24,23. 
My opponent only had his 4 and 6 point made, 2 on 24, 3 or 4 on his 8 point and the rest ready as builders.
How can I remember this? Well, after  his next throw of a 6 and 4. I never made another move, just sat and watched.
Filling his inner table was good fortune, but then throwing 2 lots of 1.6 to bring his back stones into play was pushing the bounds of probability
Then the "coup de grace" a double five allowing 2 stones to be taken off and 2 moved 6*1. 
Time to resign. 

Since the rules of the game have not been properly programmed (e.g. the rules for when a Gammon is awarded or not; or the ratings system), I think it is safe to assume that ForD has no interest in whether or not players like this site. They attract players by the looks (the graphics) of the game but aren't interested in keeping them. The random generator is not at all completely random; there are flaws in it that influence outcomes, and thus make players frustrated. Other sites do not seem to have near as many problems as this one. I see a fairly high turnover of players signing on and leaving this site. If ForD truly wanted to attract and keep players it would do a better job of programming. It could be much better than it is.
 This is fixed dice and it allows low level players to win games feeling lucky, but it would have beeing more interesting if the system was able to see compex mooves and favor the good play.
I have posted some days ago! But of some reason my message didn´t show up here. - But let me try it again:

I have also made studied: Two studies over 5000 throwes each. Not a number, I ramdomly have desided, but a number, which should be enough to equal the risk of luck asymtotely..... I´ve done it twice because of the result, which showed a nonrandomly response. My second studie had the same result, soooo...

The most remarkebal result was:

6-6 showed up 1.study: 273 , 2.study 190 times = 453 times in 10000 throwes. The mathematic number should be 138,88 times in 50000 throwes (1/36). So the result of my studies are an overrepresentation of 6-6 in each study. First time <80% over the theoretical number , 2. time around 40%... 

I like to ask, what I have not considered in my way to manage my study? I have also made some other remarkebly study´s. But this is enough, I think!
The easy answer is:

More 6-6 : More voluntile games : More chances for everybody to win a lucky punch : More customers (thus you can win, even if you are not experienced) : More commercials at better prices....

This I think is the commercial idea behind this site!! I don´t think the most players on this side know anything about the 36 throw table or calculating at all!!. 6-6 is 1/36 --- but who will reconise, if it instead was 2/36 or 3/36?
Maybe the authors of the game think that the game is more attractive if they statistically raise the number of doubles and of "dramatic" turnarounds.
Maybe this is even true for some simple minds ot there. I personally feel ashamed when I win a game that I should loose. Not funny at all!
IN real life I win about 60 to 70 % of the games aginst my friends. Here I went to 299 points in two weeks the dropped down to lees the 50 in a few days. Why? Meybe someone likes to play god. I'm out.
I hane today played 10 games and in all cases the opponent was 20 to 30 points ahead of me within 5 throws with no casualties  on either side so the difference only reflects the count of the dice. Either I am unlucky or the dice is off. 
The dice are definitely rigged. From the beginning the software decides who is going to win.
It is programmed for more doubles but I don't think there is an advantage for one player versus another.