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stones curl is different
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stones curl is different
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stones curl is different
depending on the stones you're playing with the same path the amount of curl that takes is different, this way is imposible to repeat the same shots with even the same weight! change this
Maybe they curl better for subscribers.
I know, it is inconsistent (should be changed).  Makes the game a little more random.

No, the curl is no better for subscribers.  
Lol Le Prince I know fine & well that they are not better for subscribers, it was sarcasm in reference to his other topic. They can be inconsistent the same way that the ice changes etc etc but that's life.
more negative snide comments  by wullibhoy
In reply to his moaning in the other topic & its not snide its sarcasm.
 bendercurl  all your posts are complaining, insulting or trying to get people banned for playing zero rated players. Try responding to a post or thread with an answer for someone... you know, be helpful for once.

Entering threads to call people paranoid or snide, then starting a thread yourself to complain about rated players playing zero rated players is strange. 

So you are unsportsmanlike by insulting people and then you complain about others who are unsportsmanlike, like points bankers.
Bendercurl for the past 3 weeks you, Mike Oxlong & Jimmy_Mac seem to have some sort of problem with me. You are either the same person or there are more stupid people here than I thought. I have done you no harm & I will reply to posts where I see fit. As Mark rightly says if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all & stop stalking me.
"depending on the stones you're playing with the same path the amount of curl that takes is different, this way is imposible to repeat the same shots with even the same weight! change this"

I haven't noticed this, but if it is something that FoD has implemented that is yet another step in making the game more realistic.  Individual stones behave differently in real curling as well...as long as you know which one you are throwing, it would be a good addition...maybe only activate it if both players are above a certain point level, say 250?
 whitecrj, what if someone doesn't know about that system? Their opponents will always have a massive advantage.

If anything, keep it random. Let each stone do something a little different and change it on every throw. Otherwise keep it as is.
"If anything, keep it random. Let each stone do something a little different and change it on every throw. Otherwise keep it as is."

Respectfully, I think randomness would take away from the realism. In short, randomness favors luck, consistency favors skill. 

While the differences are seldom great, each rock can have its own characteristics and retains those characteristics throughout a match. After all, we are talking about 40+ pound chunks of naturally mined granite...one wouldn't expect them to have the exact same consistency every time. 

If the rock order is not rearranged (i.e. the first rock of each end is always the same stone etc.) this would allow for the inclusion of individual rock characteristics and allow players to adjust as the game goes on. I see your point about perhaps one person not understanding it - so make it an optional feature for the game that both players have to agree to. I think the people playing at the top levels in this game need something like this to keep it interesting/challenging for them and I expect they would welcome this. Combine it with have the ice conditions change over the course of a match (again, consistently, not randomly) would set this already great game up a notch indeed.

From a programming perspective it shouldn't be too hard (although without seeing the code who can say - not looking to put the FoD programmers on the spot here). I assume each stone is an object with a set of attributes that affect its behavior. Instantiating 8 of them with persistent attributes rather than just 1 with random attributes should do the trick.

If a bit of random luck is desired, have the occasional stone pick...this does happen in real curling and does indeed fall under the realm of bad luck.

Looking forward to playing more when my busy season ends :/
When I say random, I mean just a little here and there. But anyway, I don't think much will change.
If my stones start picking on this game I will saw my computer in half. lol
They will if I can get into the code :D
If my rocks start to pick, I will only have 4 good shots per game instead of the 5 good shots per game I have now! :) 
bill, whats up bro, i like moaning too :)
Just Jimmy_Mac aka bendercurl being himself bud, nuff said.