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Hello Mods, is it too much to ask you's to check the chat log of certain players & deal with them? We know who i'm talking about too. I've seen people get demerits for less & it seems to me that this player is untouchable.
The "Mute" button is encouraged & available for all players. I use it with you and I have no problems. 
Yes of course you do, thats why you keep pm'ing me with your nonsense.
>is it too much to ask you's to check the chat log of certain players & deal with them?

Is it too much to ask you to report them, then mute them?

The mods are probably busy and will deal with it once they get to it.

Posting this on a forum will not speed up your request either.
Thank you Thunder... Some people just don't get it.
He has been reported several times by many. Thunder I can mute, obviously its easy to do but when the mods finally get around to checking chat logs then you's might realise what my point is. I'm big enough to take care of myself & don't care what people say about me but when kids get repeatedly picked on especially in the lobby for all to see then I hope that it gets taken seriously.
The mods do there job the best they can, it is very easy to complain about nonsense like this and flags. Thunder makes good points, thank you.
The day will come Wullie. The day will come.
I doubt it Aig, seems to be a law unto himself. Banter I can take, slagging the odd person off too is fair enough but bringing peoples mothers into it nah.
Thanks for replying Thunder. Many here are bitter and only enjoy complaining, but hey what can you do. 
Bitter?   Behave & don't be so silly.   All they have to do is check your chat log if possible & its easily sorted once & for all who is lying. The whole lobby seen it last night.
Thunder I am not being cheeky here, I realise that a lot of Mods don't like me cos they think i'm opinionated & try to be smart at times. I hear you when you say report but that has been done & it is always swept under the carpet, I felt this had to be made public to achieve anything this time. Trout can be funny at times & he is arrogant but thats not the issue here, i'm not trying to get him banned. He can mock whoever he likes, style of play or rating but what he CAN'T do is pick on players because of their sexuality or say things about players mothers & stuff like that, that is crossing the line & its not on.
Yes thunder, the mods are all busy in the bar in the pool hall to worry about the abuse in the curling hall. It's way past time that they made a few curlers mods
i find the mute button a handy tool anyone i play i instantly mute them so i dont see the rubbish they post i also find it usful against you in the lobby 
please check the multinicks here in curling moderators 


When will you ever get this vanhassan? You can have as many nicknames as you want, as long as they dont play eachother(transport) Example: snopy vs gothfather (both vanhassan nicks)and both get reset too 0.But this you knew already, right? I believe in all these years, you have had more nicknames then everybody. 
Why is it always the bankers who TARGET NEW PLAYERS that come on here acting all high & mighty?

Its just kids who's brains havev't develop yet when they get half a brain the police will deal with  them
I bet you the game has their favs and you never know, a few mods could play as players as well that we dont know about so i suggest you just take pics and screenshots of the offending parties and force their hand that way.
lol i never knew we were allowed to harass each other in the forum.........smh.
I know alot more about the mods than most players due to experiences iv had with some of them in the past and I can safely say some of them use multiple accounts.

I think a classic example of mods having nicks is the only way to explain how Trout gets away with all he does. I firmly believe he is a mod in disguise
>I firmly believe he is a mod in disguise

Nah, he is only pretty good with computers ;)
wullie you are always causing trouble for me, you made remarks about my wife, trout heard you too so did HM, then you make a ref to off hand stuff then back up and say you didnt mean it, you have no character what so ever, Ive tried to overlook some of your stuff but you reach a pt where it is too much, hope mods run you off here 
Plez be nices to each other lifes to short 

And it's geting like a sopeoprer 

Keep safe smile more:)
yes sky, you are right, its just sometimes you blow your top over stuff, personally I dont like to go there and dont like being there, and that actually makes it worse, sometimes you have to vent, I wish all of you the best and good curling, may your shoes never slip and your ice never melt. 
use the report button and then mute, the mods will get around to it would not bother arguing with this creature..just mute then you dont see what they/it, says .i mute all players before i start game then they can mutter away to them selves:d
Jimmy you don't even know me so stop judging me, not the 1st dig you've had.
Wolfman you were in some mood last night, I asked you what I supposedly said about your wife & you couldn't tell me. You came into my match & started slating Scottish people. No idea what Trout has to say but HM can't remember me saying anything & it was her that I was playing according to you. 
Infact i've been making a conscious effort to keep my head down & not get into trouble lately.
Just for the record Trout has been asked & knows nothing about it either so considering the room was apparently full of people nobody seen a thing. I do wind people up but i'll always put my hands up to what I do & won't have lies told. I am not a trouble maker, I just have a sense of humour.