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Connect Four 7x8 and 8x8 board sizes
Connect Four 7x8 and 8x8 board sizes
Connect Four 7x8 and 8x8 board sizes

I know this has been suggested countless times, also know that currently you're busy making everything HTML5 based and accessible from phone.

However would it be possible to release some new board sizes for connect four like 7 x 8 and 8 x 8? I have noticed other games have other game types with different rules, so surely it wouldn't be hard to add a number to the code.

A lot of us would like this feature implemented and it would be great if you could do this, more players may end up playing again.

Kind Regards,

Hello all,

Actually the sites with these boards sizes exist. 
The best would be to know the point of view of FlyOrDie about the creation of new boards sizes on this site! Interested not interested...

Anyway, come to play here Lμsтєя Pμяgє when your education isn't your only priority. That would be great to see some old players again on 7x6, this board is very interesting too! If you want new things don't quit FlyOrDie. 

During your games and in your life, never stop making work your imagination good remedy against boredom.

Thanks FlyOrDie for all that you do for us now and in the future.


I think this is a good idea and I would like to there be both 7x8 and 8x8.