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why is it I win a tournament and place 2nd in the next tournament but I only get VIP for 2 days ..?

1st Place finish is 5 days VIP unless they changed it since I had it last.

The VIP can be delayed..it depends on how busy the Admins are. and on weekends..don't expect a VIP payout, iv never once had it on a weekend, It can take up to 7 days but some times longer depending on how the tournament went, if people cheated, got disqualified ect.

Just wait and you will get it eventually.
I wondered the same thing a few months ago. Then I got the answer that for tournaments with less than 20 participants, only the 3 top placed get a vip star, and for a less number of days.
ok...was just wandering...I won a tournament and finished 2nd in the next one but was only VIP for 2 days

The first five players gets VIP/DSC status (10-6-4-2-1 days), in case there were at least 20 participants.