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Since im back to play, i have crazy lags its really annoying, i need to do ccleaner every time before i want to play, any solutions?..
Possible solutions:

1. Run a Malware/Virus Scan.
2. Remove java and install the latest one if you haven't already (Or install and older one to see if it changes  and runs any smoother.
3. Search your installed files and browser add-ons & extensions for software you don't recall installing.
4. System clean up (Defragment) your system.
5. Delete all possible junk files you don't need.
6. Update video/display/sound and board drivers if updates are available.
7. Try changing the resolution.
8. Create a new user on your computer and attempt to play the game on it and see if the same errors occur.
8. System restore is always a good choice.
9. Clean your System Registry and remove outdated files/shortcuts.
10. Check your downloads folder to see if you have recently installed a new program or such and if possible uninstall it and see if it makes any difference, some things can cause the game to lag a lot such as skype or windows media player.
11.Reinstall Windows - If you have an Installation Disc available this is always a good last resort, just be sure to back up any files you don't want to permanently lose on discs/flash drives or cloud storage on outlook and such.
12. Run windows update and install any possible updates - also take a look through the update history and see if anything failed to update, if something did, find it and attempt to update it again as failed updates can cause serious issues sometimes.

I don't know what else to suggest.

Software you could try using to "Clean Up".

Tune up utilities (If it still exists).
CCleaner Obviously.
If you don't already have an anti-virus try Avast or Microsoft Security Essentials.
Advanced System Care (Free Edition).

still the same, nothing change here as i can see, we need pc game version my god
i put my computer back to factory settings and reinstall java, adobe flash. and avast antivirus ...no more lag also if you have an old anti virus on your system clashing with another you have installed can cause a laggy slow system...:d
my antivirus is ok, the problem is obv from FoD, it happens to a lot of players
I have got massive lag now since 2 weeks. :(
again the same problem, its going crazy, fix plz
Are you using wireless or are you hardwired to your router/modem? It very well could just be your signal strength so try resetting your router and see if that helps. Also, you can go in the settings and select the Retro mode. Graphics aren't near as good but the frame rate is way lower so may help if your balls are "skipping".

 iFly
Lag is so awful nowadays... impossible to play high standard :(
probably the worst lags ever today, not possible to play decently, was funny..
still the same and nothing done yet..