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Scottish independence & the new flag
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Scottish independence & the new flag
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Scottish independence & the new flag
Hi good people at Fod, i've raised this umpteen times so your probably a bit bored of it by now. Its about my flag that I want. I think you suggested once that its not in your database or some other nonsense but in less than 3 weeks Scots people will go to the polls to vote for independence. If its a yes vote you will be legally bound to give us a flag as we will be no longer under that Union J ack thing which is not even 1 countries flag. If we're going to be silly here why not put the EU flag up for the whole of Europe & so on. Please look into this before someone challenges it. Thank you again for your time & for my 2 week gift extension. I must've been a good boy. I might renew all depends on how the flag thing goes or the vote.
Jesus Christ.  Blackmailing the company with subscription status just about your flag?  Use your patriotism for a better cause.  Unreal.
Wise up I am not blackmailing anyone, do you think that a company are bothered about 1 sub? I am merely stating that I want a flag put up of my own country, a country that invented the sport. If we get independence & they refuse to put my flag up then I refuse to play under a foreign flag as the Union J would be foreign to me. And Minimus you don't know me so please don't judge me. Thank you.
Unfortunately Minimus has come down with a severe case of verbal diarrhea
>Hi good people at Fod, i've raised this umpteen times so your probably a bit bored of it by now. Its about my flag that I want.

Then I guess for the "umpteenth" time, the answer is no until it does happen.

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator
Ok Thunder fair enough, just understand my frustration though that the country that invented this great game do not even get their own flag here when I know guys that are multi nicks & by that I can think of at least 2 dozen nicks & they register & pretend to be from little islands that nobody has ever heard of. So in that sense its ludicrous to have flags for them places. I'll shut up for now but hopefully you'll be hearing from me after the 18th.
Wullie, You must find great relief when you stop head butting that wall. Good luck with it mate and I hope you get out from under the Pome yoke and get your independence and you proud flag. Keep it flying mate. ")
Just no love for Scotland at FoD.  I feel your pain.

If Scotland does vote in favor of independence, ISO 3166 (country codes) won't be updated until all of the particulars have been resolved with the Crown.  Even when the update is made, there is no guarantee that FoD will update the site's list in a timely manner.  Your wait for St. Andrew's Cross will likely be lengthy.

Regardless of the outcome of the vote, why is it such a problem putting Scotland on the list now?  Wullie's request is not unreasonable.  Does it take too much computer code work to do it or, as it seems to me, is  FoD is not interested?  The moderators seem to be dismissive of a customer's reasonable request.  Maybe it is too difficult to do, but to refuse off hand without explanation is poor customer service.

Wullie, I hope it happens, but don't hold your breath.   
dear thunder i dont think it is necessary to be so clipped and curt with wullie.it means a lot to him and you didnt give a reason u just mimcked his phrsase and said" no till yes" which came across a bit rude.i hope u didnt mean it like that but it seemed that way to me.thank you.i am aware hes mentioned it a lot by the way but still?
I realise that it must be boring to some but I do feel heartened by the support I'm receiving on here, Facebook & in emails, thanks Jock, John, Ian etc.  Thunder has suggested that it could happen if I read right. I am not asking for the impossible, I'm patriotic as every other person is & you'd never see an American sign in under the Canadian flag or vice versa. It just got to me when you see flags listed here for diddy little countries that people have never heard of.
>dear thunder i dont think it is necessary to be so clipped and curt with wullie.it means a lot to him and you didnt give a reason u just mimcked his phrsase and said" no till yes" which came across a bit rude.i hope u didnt mean it like that but it seemed that way to me.thank you.i am aware hes mentioned it a lot by the way but still?

I simply answered the question that was asked.  This is not the 1st time it has been requested.

Let's make it clear, IF Scotland gets independence, I am certain that it will be added to the flags list at some point.

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator
the truestv analogy wullie is the idea of france and germany signing in ona euro flag????
“Of all the small nations of this earth, perhaps only the ancient Greeks surpass the Scots in their contribution to mankind.” 
― Winston Churchill 
Are you saying flags of ancient Greece should also be included? :)
Of course the Scottish flag should be an option in a curling simulator! They invented the sport, and they play under the Scottish flag on all occasions, barring the Olympics.

Best of luck with your vote!
Thanks Snella for the comments but as you all know the result I doubt that I will get my flag despite the support of 100% of players here & I appreciate you guys for that. Complete strangers pm me & wish me well with the flag issue. I am not liked by certain Mods & if I continue to ask I might find myself no longer here
Mods i've given up on the flag issue you'll be glad to hear.
Just wondering though as you keep saying its an iso thing, if Scotland had voted in favour of independence how would you have been able to change it then?   Just curious.
I am not a mod, but as far as I understand this matter, ISO code for countries would be updated, and then you would have your Scottish flag with FlyOrDie only needing to make sure they are using the updated ISO code...

However what you might ask mods about is to also include ISO 3166-2:GB in the currently used ISO 3166-1 country codes list. It seems like a simple solution, but I have no idea how much work/time consuming it would be for FlyOrDie...

ISO 3166-2:GB assigns codes to Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England.
Thanks for the reply Chris, seems simple enough for them to do but apparently not in this case. My feelings are clear, the country that invented the game too. Commonsense, so logical but I've bored everyone enough so unless the powers that be see the above post & decide to finally act in the best interests of keeping a customer happy then its a no go.
Well thanks to Chris I contacted the nice people at Solware again & put the ISO thing to them. They do have the decency to reply & they assure me that they will get around to adding it but its not just simply throwing it in beside the other 1 so we'll see.
Hi I am Scot myself. Funny story actually I was heading to the refrigerator to get a crisp apple, with my dementia doctor says apples are good. Anyways haha I had the apple darn good. Then I says hey why not play some curling. I actually am blind in one eye doctor says no computer but he don't know squat. Also says no whiskey, little does he know I mix that with my anti-depressants. Off track again so I thought to myself hey I am a scot why not join the debate. Yes so this is why I think Scotland should have a flag. They have a funny accent, are unique to British and cook a mean lamb-kabob. Now if were finished here I'd like to figure out where I left my false teeth. Any complaints on this post should be directed to my butler "Wulliebhoy". (He is a tad slower than I so make sure you are nice to him)
Don't worry folks!!!! I found my teeth
Independence Vote : N/A I was to lazy to fill it in and post it.

Should there be a flag on here for Scotland : Yes.

Who the he!! is this muppet lol?  A favour mate please, your supplier as I want some of what you've been taking :>
My mentally disabled neighbor Erto also says yes to the flag. (If he qualifies as the right to have an opinion)
Sure why not, my mentally challenged friend Jock has plenty of opinions here.
What you said was offensive regardless of who it was directed towards and those words you used aren't appropriate on this Forum.

(Inappropriate Chat) Any form of name calling is considered offensive and against the rules (Even if it's a joke). 

So bare that in mind in the future when you think about making fun of people.
You have a lot to say ftw warrior, even though you only been a member for 14 days. And Wullies post have been approved by a moderator. And to the mods/ops : GIVE the MAN a FLAG!! PS: You both probably vanhassan.
Cash thanks for the support mate, Warrior if that was aimed at me its banter & Jock is 1 of my best buddies here & that's the way we speak to each other.
Give Wullie his flag if only for the amount of time he has spent flogging a dead horse for it. And to anyone who thinks that I MIGHT be offended by anything Wullie says to or about me, let me reassure you I am not in the least little bit offended by it. I just take it in the spirit it is meant and laugh my head off

Link above shows the first ever "FTW_WARRIOR" nickname I created back in 2009, believe me I am not new to this website, go browse the "Tanx" forums and you will see that yourself.
I have played on here since March 2008.
And believe me I have had so many arguments I can't even login Tanx without people flaming me for the most pitiful of reasons.

Wulliebhoy - I understand it was banter but alot of people wouldn't like it no matter how much of a joke it actually is, I personally am not offended by anything you have said but there are people on here who would report you in a flash just for banter.

I agree with you on the flag, I want it myself so i can stopped being called a "RedCoat" by a few of the USA players who play Tanx, they seem to think anyone with a UK flag is English, little do they know Scotland is indeed very different, which is one good reason to have the flag..I mean redcoat? seriously..

And just because I don't play Curling does not mean I haven't the right to give an opinion on the flag..I was born and raised in Dundee so I believe I am right to share my beliefs. 

"Wulliebhoy" I give you my apologies if I have in any way shape or form offended you by what I said before, you can understand sometimes comments like that can actually be hurtful but in this case I just overreacted.

Cashprovider - I'm not trying to start any form of argument by showing you that username, I'm just proving I am indeed an older player than the current username displays.

I recently tried to play Curling and found out I have no idea what I am meant to do, one must read the rules and instructions very much to fully understand & I haven't even found the instructions yet lol.
Warrior no apology needed mate, I see your point. That is not the way that I speak to people in general. Strangely though this may seem it makes Jocks day for some reason when he gets banter like that ( Don't ask, must be a Bali thing). I like to try & be friendly enough with everyone. As for the flag issue thanks for the support, I have given up asking Fod, as Chris said the Iso is there to be added. Solware the parent company have assured me that it'll be added but as yet no timescale. I don't know how difficult it'd be but can't imagine it would be overly hard to do. The support in these threads from all of you guys means a lot to me & you'd think that the powers that be can read & would act on it but as John said way way back don't hold your breath.
Some people on this site seem to suffer from a lack of a funny bone. Let me refer you to Professor Wullie, (School of comedy St Barts, FAILED)  He will be more than happy to insert same in appropriate place for a small fee. Feel free to mention my name for a discount.
Jock you truly are priceless mate, start doing your intros regularly again too as they are funny.
patience Willie patience.I hope this problem to be resolvate soon
Gabri i saw you yesterday zero points,what happened lol please explain to Hassan,maybe he had eye on you :)
players telling you got RESET for cheating,isnt that behaviour a future moderator unwurthy please tell us because you normaly have comment on everything 
But ofcourse if you to much shame to comment we and hassan understand :$:$:$
I see that the Aland Islands, an area of Finland, has been added to the list of countries - at the bottom. I'll curl under their flag, until such time as FlyOrDie lets me curl under my own...

What does Aland Islands have that Scotland doesn't?
OK - I get it. They have an ISO code...
Eve it is well publicised how I feel, I even took the argument to Ssolware the parent company & they assured me that it will happen but no timescale. Maybe they have made a start with the island that you mentioned, going through the alphabet starting with the A's so Scotlands quite a bit in lol. Maybe you could give it a few weeks & take it up with Solware too as I seriously doubt that you'll get anywhere here.
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