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2 vs 2 Snooker Lite Tournament
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2 vs 2 Snooker Lite Tournament
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2 vs 2 Snooker Lite Tournament
First things first, im going to wait for Tommy's 8Ball tournament to finish first before this gets up an running!

Ideally 16 players for 8 teams
Teams will be drawn randomly
No prizes just for fun
Each team will play 1 game each if a decider is required then the 2 winners will play one another
First round of games will be RT5/BO9
Next RT7/BO13
Final RT10/BO19

Tournament will start when the first 16 players have responded on this thread, please only participate if you have sufficient time and want to play!

Good luck guys and girls!

Rusty but willing to give this a shot :D

I will join :)!
I will play because its my favourite game :) But I feel sorry for the person drawn with me. 

Will be looking forward to this!
i'll play :)

I prefer lite to the other games
9 in so far including myself 
I'm in if it is still happening
3 more players - spread the word please x
I m ,,,,, fun for all............."Say no to racism"
im will play too looks me cool snooker lite 2vs2 (Y) let my know 
Gary - we currently only 14 players at the moment, once we reach 16 i will start instantly
I'll play if you need to make up the numbers. Just give me a time and day to play and I will come on and do it (:
yes please Kieran, i miss you babe <3
Cheating on me Elvys </3. KIERAN! stay away from my Elvys!!! 

One more person :L! People are reaing but not participating, COME PLAY GUYS WE DON'T BITE!
who wantd with my btw for me all welcome :)
yes you can, and do we have 16 players finally?
Yes! finally! Fixtures will be up later today
Okay guys thank you for your patience who would have getting 16 players would have been so difficult! I guess i dont have the charisma of Tommy ;) Anyways teams are as follows ( completely random)

Team 1: Owen and Dragonaut

Team 2: Stephen&Hendry and Luster Purge

Team 3: UBR Mago and One More

Team 4 Gary Ridgway & CLASS

Team 5 Taterz and Paz

Team 6: Shaun Murphy no1 Gameover

Team 7 Geoff Ogivly and Damo Destroyer 

Team 8: 2014 Holland and Paul 


owen vs purge
dragonaut vs stephen&hendry

gary ridgway vs paul
class vs 2014 holland

Taterz vs Gameover
Shaun Murphy no1 vs Paz

Geoff Ogilvy vs UBR Mago
Damo Destroyers vs One More

Good luck guys if all games can be played by 30th July (1 and a half weeks) including the replays. HAVE FUN! 
Stephen&Hendry, snooker light wlll be the only game I play while this is going on so if I'm not in one of the rooms I won't be reached anywhere else.
Hi guys basically there is going to be a change of format instead of 2v2 i wanted to make it normal tourniment so everyone gets more games as opposed to 1. Same rules apply the groups are going to be the same as the teams competing against each other.
Groups are as follows:


gary ridgway 
 2014 holland

Shaun Murphy no1 

Geoff Ogilvy 
UBR Mago
Damo Destroyers 
One More

Everyone must play each other and all have 3 weeks to complete ALL games. First round matches are RT5. Please post results on this forum and the Top 2 from each group will progress into the next round. 
It will be 3 points for a win
1 point for a loss
0 for a no contest

Best of luck guys! 
My group...when are you free and ill arrange games
0-5 for me vs 2014Holland- Gótze :p
Tommy, Taterz and Paz where can i find you guys?
I think I'm going to decline to play also. I have been online the past 3 days in snooker lite 8ball and normal snooker and not seen a soul so give my opponent the wins or whatever it is you have to do. 

Thanks all the same
hey but why u can not 2vs2 do you can do that bro
single games is not so fine
Well looks like this is ruined..Glad everyone had fun :)
Well in fairness it was just bad organisation on your part. You need to organise it and make evrything clear to people, not go changing the whole format of the competition after its begun. Personally i didnt mind the change to singles but others oviously did.