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Pop Out positions
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Pop Out positions
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Pop Out positions
Hey, post and discuss Pop Out positions you find interesting!

White to play on 4x4 board:


Can you see the winning move?

the hardest part is more interesting is to play in hard style as starts in 3 or 5 or even 1 or 7 it reminds me of training with mossimo

Hm, wonder what nick u play on here :o
1 is indeed the winning move:


Black denotes draw by repetition.

the (2) or (1) or (3) Represents a pop
Yes! 1 is the perfect move, which results in a complete win by white, there is no way for red to counter it
I see the winning move in 1, ive not finished studying it properly yet, i'll post more details later, until then i can say 1 is the move to play for reds win