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I request a new version
I request a new version
I request a new version
Dear OPERATOR, i began to play FODBall since dec 2009, and i think that it is 1 of the most interesting and cool game on internet, but no players, and is very boring. This is the opinion of the most part of Fodball players, and I propose  a new version of  FODBall, or return the old version 
The solution may be to create two different rooms: one for the current release and 1 for the old version.

Thats all i have to say which will help Fodbal get more attention & players in FLYORDIE Website and there will be various rooms full of players which will encourage fair play in the process.

Traduccion al Español

Estimado Operador, comencé a jugar Fodball desde diciembre 2009, y creo que es 1 de los juegos más interesantes y frescas en Internet, pero no hay jugadores, y es muy aburrido. Esta es la opinión de la mayor parte de los jugadores Fodball, y propongo una nueva versión de FODBall, o devolver la versión anterior 
La solución puede ser la creación de dos salas diferentes: una para la versión actual y 1 para la versión antigua. 

Eso es todo lo que tengo que decir que ayudará Fodbal conseguir más atención y jugadores en FlyOrDie sitio del Web y habrá varias habitaciones llenas de jugadores que estimulen el juego limpio en el proceso.
Hey.! I think is a excellet idea because the players only searh to have fun, and this is the best way. i'm ready for the new version.

Lucky! ;)
Atte: AnGx Martinez
I think this is a very good idea. Im sure, that more players would play this game. Good idea Godoi.
Godoy agree with ah the game become too boring, the past version was very entertaining besides that attracted more players, so we urge you gentlemen moderators resume last version and also get more players in FodBall


Concuerdo con godoy el juego se ah vuelto demasiado aburrido, y la version pasado era muy entretenida ademas de que atraia a mas jugadores, asi que señores moderadores les ruego nos retomen la version pasada y asi conseguir mas jugadores en FodBall
New Version? the game has like 5 players daily max..
Great idea friend. More rooms, more tourney and more players.
It is necessary to do something so that an interest in this game is greater. I think that two tournaments in the month can change it.

YES very good Idea The players will come here play Ty                                                             Ghiles
FODBal is a great game, many players FODBal, only need a motivation to play again, I think that putting a room upgrade leagues or renewing a better version, they would return, actually relize a list of players FODBal on facebook, about 35 players ready to return with a change in the game 
 , but there are still many loose ahy players who are already bored with the monotony of the game but surely would return with a renewal 

Gracias E.M;)
its a great idea.and there must be more rooms and more subscribtion options to attract other people to fodball

to revive the topic
I think this is a very good idea... I was start to play flyordie since 2008 and only what I was playing is fodball and now I´m new to fod for playing other games never before play other just fotball... I was bad at first but after 2-3 months it was very good and there was a lot of players not too much but 20-30 all time and you have to play with somebody and now much of time 0 players. I remember one very good player "Master Akos" he was since I think 2008 till 2010 all time crown with 500-650 points idk and then I think 2010 I was start to play like him and I was all time first I was changing much nicks but only and the best was "Star Wars" I don´t remember but I was having a lot of points and I will never forget that... Then come I think 2012 it was when FODball change and after that all come down first month it was a lot of players I think because it was new 3D but then all come down and a lot of players gone like me I will never foget old version of fodball that was the best but now it is not good I know that now nothing will happen but just saying it was a great time!
Yes, we need new version :D with 2v2 teamplay please!