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8 spectators
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8 spectators
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8 spectators
Dear FOD team,

Some very interesting matches are not accessible to watch once 8 spectators are in the game room.
I think it is good idea to introduce a feature for subscribers (at least in the beggining ) to enter the game and watch it even it is full (8 spectators) 
Something similar to tournament matches .
It will increase  the subscribers number also. 

Actually only 5 spectators are allowed, but this limit is raised to eight for subscribers.
Actually I was wrong, it was set to 8 for everyone for some unknown reason.
Now it has been adjusted, so subscribers can enter matches with up to 15 spectators.
Wow! I am impressed, it works , thanks, FOD!
May be I'll start to play again )

Thanks Maldews for bringing this up, & thank you FOD for making the change, much appreciated. Regards, Trout.
Yes its great to see a suggestion being implemented so quickly, well done.
WOW glad I read this! In past I was seeing 8 up there and not trying to come in. lol