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The most aggravating glitch in FlyOrDie is that the dice roll before the option to double. Please fix this.
Agreed...this feature makes backgammon on FOD unplayable. The entire point of the doubling cube is to evaluate the pros vs cons of doubling the stakes BEFORE the roll. I hear what the FOD moderator said about slowing down the game a bit...here's my solution:

Allow people to select a given match length...say the options are 1 pt, 3 pt, and 5 pt (perhaps only subscribers could chose match length greater than 1).

For any match with length greater than 1, the doubling cube would be optional (for match of length 1, of course the cube is irrelevant). That way, the players that don't want to be slowed down can choose to play without the cube, and the players that want to play with the cube can do so. The current setting of having the cube available after the roll is nonsensical and should be removed altogether. 
I agree with this posting.  Being able to double after you have rolled is contrary to all backgammon rules and REALLY upsets the strategy of the game.  The suggestion of being able to "pre-click" the cube during the opponent's turn would resolve the problem without impeding the flow of the game.
You just click on the doubling cube, assuming no double has been made.  Otherwise, you can only double when you "own the cube" after your opponent has doubled.
I have tried, but cannot find, how to double on FlyorDie.  Please could someone set it out in detail, either here or to me privately.
Actually, there is an easy way to follow the correct Backgammon rules, while adding no delay to the game, yet still make it possible for people to double before their roll.

The solution is to make the double cube active during the other person's turn.

If you click it, nothing happens until it is your turn.  Then you are prompted as to whether or not you want to double and your turn timer starts.  The opponent sees none of this unless you decide to proceed with the double.
This is actually not a bug or glitch.
Though the backgammon rules state that the doubling should happen before the roll, this game is designed to work this way on purpose.

Otherwise, the game would be much less fluent, as before each turn the players should wait for the player to choose  if he/she wants to double or roll the dice, making the game experience much more indecisively slow. 
I agree.  The rules of Backgammon clearly state that doubling occurs before you roll - not after.  It would be nice if this could be fixed!!