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Never a moderator around when you need one!!!
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Dear Moderators
Never a moderator around when you need one!!!
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Dear Moderators
Never a moderator around when you need one!!!
I am currently playing in 8 ball room 1 against a player called Rafa Nanda in a bo5 match
We have been playing for 45mins and he is taking the full minute for EVERY shot. Its pathetic
I have seached through EVERY room on the site and there is not a moderator to be found anywhere
Haha no kidding..its really annoying, every time i play pool it happens, people take the entire 59 seconds and shoot at the end..so sad, but at the same time i guess their allowed to since the timer exists..not alot you can do other than complain lol
Think positive .. So you have more time to go on toilet, drink a beer, go out with your dog or your wife etc. :D 

I don't see the issue with using your allocated time slot..

Besides, what is a Moderator going to do about it?  Tell him to hurry up?  It's not against the rules.  We have time slots for a reason..

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator

I agree there is nothing wrong about using your allocated time for some difficult shots but when you enter a bo5 match and your opponent, after you pot a couple of balls says to you "Thats it... I take full minute for every shot from now" and does exactly that... Its a bit much!!
>"Thats it... I take full minute for every shot from now" and does exactly that... Its a bit much!!

OK now we're talking, yes that is clearly a form of "Unsportsmanlike Behaviour".  Please be aware that a Moderator does not need to be "visible" at all in order to punish and/or review games.  The best way to report this kind of behaviour would of been to take a few screenshots of him using his allocated on a variety of shots and email them into us.

Please remember 1 thing..

The number of moderators is small, so they cannot be present in each of the rooms all the time. Therefore we ask you that if you see a player with a behaviour that - in your opinion - comes into conflict with one of the rules described in this document - it hinders cultured conversation - then notify the moderators by sending a message to the moderators, preferably with a screenshot. 

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator


I'm glad I managed to get my point across but to be perfectly honest, when I wrote the original post I was only wanting to blow off a little steam. ;)  
He just managed to get me on an off day and it was frustrating :$  I'm usually one to just live and let live and I'm not really bothered about fussing with screenshots etc.