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Pionts you don't deserve
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Pionts you don't deserve
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Pionts you don't deserve
There have been complaints about people losing points but this is the other side of it. I have been on both sides of this issue but as much as I don't like to lose points because of disconnection issues I also don't like to get points that way either. When disconnected I think if a person wants to delete those points that option should come up to receiver to not accept those points and NO points will be exchanged. When I looked up the official curling rules the 1st thing that came up was Sportsmanship curling is supposed to be played  the with that in mind.

                                                                            Sorry so long I just like to see Issues from both sides.
I have won lots of points from disconnections.  But, for me, I most certainly think that they were doing it intentionally because they weren't winning.  It has always happened to my opponents when I am up say at least 4-0.  Not trying to brag, just putting my observations to words.
Dr. Green
points don,t meen nothing .No rewards no prizes just bragging rights who likes a bragger not me that's for sure
The main thing to learn from all of this. This is just a Video Game that like 500 of 7,000,000,000,000 people play. You're points mean absolutely nothing to about 99.999999999999999 of people.
well today i was down by one with 3 ends to play and he had hammer and gets disconnected so there was 18 pts that i didnt deserve this is the way it is i guess.Like bad weather just have to put up with it. 
You'll lose less points if you lose to a really high ranked player. But you'll win more if you beat him/her. That's of course if you're a really low ranked player.

So stay with in your ranks till you get better. You Should not get ratings points for losing any game. Curling rules dictate you must Win Lose or Tie, the score does not matter.

If I beat you 12-0 or 1-0 it's the same thing in the Curling world. Reason being, when you get down 4 or 5 you must take chances to score big, sometimes though chances are big weight and you hit your own rocks out or miss a big double and give up a lot in the process. You must win.

Good players try to get 2 points with hammer and 1 without, sometimes they give up points purposefully to get the hammer back, why punish a person for that? That's great strategy when you have a lead.
flyordie you responded to rettilliano but it was a thread of a totally different issue that I started and you didn't reply to me I'm just saying why not give me some feed back?? since it was my thread.
"A thing that you could argue is a little unfair is that if you play a very tight and good game against a far higher ranked player but loose for example 8-6 after a good performance, you get minus points. But if you play very badly and win for example 6-4 against a very low ranked player you get plus points. But maybe the performance was much better against the higher ranked player than against the lower ranked player."

You are right. It is not possible to make every player happy. We had a point system similar to what you described (you could lose points for winning against a lower ranked, and gain points for losing against a higher ranked player in a close match) a while ago, but back then many players were complaining that a win should be win no matter what the score is.

There are several older forum threads about this issue.

I agree. Tonight I won a match that I was loosing because my opponent lost his connection. Those points were a little to easy to get. After the match I had ten points more than I deserved and therefore my ranking got higher than my performance was worth.

But on the other hand it´s just a game, so maybe we should not take ranking and points so seriously. I don´t know, but on the other hand even that it´s just a funny game, you still wan´t it to be a fair game.

A thing that you could argue is a little unfair is that if you play a very tight and good game against a far higher ranked player but loose for example 8-6 after a good performance, you get minus points. But if you play very badly and win for example 6-4 against a very low ranked player you get plus points. But maybe the performance was much better against the higher ranked player than against the lower ranked player.

But I guess it´s impossible to make a totally fair system. We have to live with that, I think. But if you are obsessed with your ranking, sometimes it´s just better to play against a much lower ranked player than to play against somebody who is much higher ranked. Every time I play against somebody with a ranking around 200-300 points I losse 5-10 points, so if I was obsessed with ranking then I would say: Ok, I refuse to play against Mr Perfect Curler with 500 points, but I would like to play against Mr Newbie with 4 points - because for my ranking that´s much better, since I have much much bigger chance of winning against the guy with 4 points. 

For example the last time I played against a Top 3 Player on this site I lost 13-5! And lost a lot of points. But when I met a newbie and won 13-1 my ranking improved with 13-14 points. I don´t know if that is fair, because in my opinion I almost played better in the game that I lost 13-5. But I just met a guy who had played 1500 games and hardly missed any stone during the match (I have played 150), so it was mission impossible. 

I have also noticed that the higher your ranking is, the less likely are the low ranked players to accept your challenges to play them, because if you have like 70-80 points, the ones with 0-10 points very often don´t wan´t to play against you. But on the other hand you will get more possibilties to play against high ranked players, who often don´t wan´t to "Waste their time" by playing against newbies with zero points. I believe that it must be boring for a guy with 500 ranking points to win 30-1 against a newbie.