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Dear Moderators
Dear Moderators
So why was my post removed?

I subscribe and pay to this website for 6+ years, get spoken to like im a moron by a moderator for no reason, and when I want to know why, my posts get deleted on forums in the 'Dear Mods' section. Very nice thanks.
Dear Taterz,

for the first weeks new moderators are actually in a process of learning. No one can rule out the possibility of questionable decisions, especially in the first days of moderation. Thereto the experienced moderators are on hand with help and adivce.

Nevertheless I am pretty sure the new moderators are doing their best to make this place safe for fun and fairplay.

I appreciate everything the moderators past and present have done for the website. But for a game which rarely has 20 players at peak times, you can have players playing with very different ratings.

It is undeniably rude to do what he/she did, and if Papatru went around every game in that situation *especially snooker* then they will never stop posting that link on the site. The snooker lite crown did never play against anyone with 100+ rating and hes 550+, if its against the rules like Papatru incinuated to me; hence posting the link and running, I guess many people will get demerits???

I had to voice that I thought this was unacceptable and i hope it doesn't happen to other people in their games. If you think this is correct behavior from a Mod; its extremely disappointing. Thanks for the reply instead of deleting my thread though.
Also I understand my original post wasn't written very nicely, but I wrote my first post much better before, but it was for some reason deleted. I am not angry with them but its not a good example to set, thats all im saying
Playing users with totally different rating is not forbidden so it's up to you who you gonna play.
That new mod "Papatru" gave me a 4 day ban for calling someone a banker, then he gave me a demerit till the 18th of august after the ban expired(no reason)

He put the reason as harassment, so if claiming someone is a banker = harassment what is the point of reporting people for cheating & banking, if i get a ban for my report?

i was playing a game, i said someone observing was a banker due to him provoking me recently, and wallah banned 4 days without him muttering a single word, so yes thats some professional moderating skills right there.

Now im stuck with a month demerit for something which wasnt even worth a 24 hour demerit, i doubt hel be a mod very long if he bans others for such small reasons.
Papatru-BR is a good mod gith him a break 

i reily thick this needs 2 be lockt 

I just want to tell friends that this is all lies. But no need to justify myself to nothing. I know of many players who love me, there will always be one or the other who hate me and this is normal.
My commitment is to give the best of me and that I'm doing.
My sincere thanks to everyone and keep playing and having fun.
Well said Papatrú-BR. Keep up your good work.
