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Jogadores com mesmo ip!
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Jogadores com mesmo ip!
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Jogadores com mesmo ip!
Boa tarde,
Temos uma liga de jogos online e utlizamos alguns jogos do Flyordie como jogo!
Hoje tivemos uma duvida. Dois membros que moram na mesma casa não jogaram entre se por um campeonato com medo de perderem seus respectivos nicks, por que ouviram que se jogassem, poderiam ser banidos do flyordie.
Assim, jogaram como visitar para não correrem o risco.
Sei que se alguem jogar na mesma rede com mesmo ip, os jogos não são registrados em seu histórico. Mas o membro pode ser banido?
Queria uma resposta oficial de preferencia de um moderador.

no aguardo,

in English

Good afternoon,
We have a league of online games and some games utlizamos FlyOrDie as the game!
Today we had a doubt. Two members living in the same house not played for a championship between themselves for fear of losing their nicknames, for they heard that throw, could be banned from FlyOrDie.
Thus, played like visiting not to take the risk.
I know that if someone playing on the same network with the same ip, the games are not recorded in your history. But the member can be banned?
I wanted an official response preferably a moderator.

You will not be banned for playing on the same ip without any rating change.

Yes, that is really weird.
Even if you cant even get points when you play yourself on same IP.
The punishment would be senseless.


I know you want a mods response and I hope they give you one, just thought I would say I occasionally play my girlfriend while we are in the same house, same IP address,  knowing these games wouldnt affect rating or info history. Nobody has ever told me this is not allowed and i'd be surprised if you found out otherswise