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Unfair players
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Unfair players
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Unfair players
Players have 60 seconds in snooker here. It's good time, because sometimes you need more time to shoot. But some players just don't play and makes their shoots when only a few seconds left and they do it for most of a frame.

The game against this kind of player isn't fun. I've played today with pifu444. When I noticed that he waiting to last second and then shoot i decided to make some screenshots:




All of his shoots were when his time was about 0:01-0:15. I have made screenshots only when he was waiting till last second.

Do you think it's not fair game and players likes hi should be punished or banned?

[sorry for my english]
waiting till the last second is unfair but i dont think u can punish someone for this 
Yes Lap, then Peter Ebdon would also be banned from snooker for his slow play, lol
Even The Hurricanes weather it be Alex or me have had to take time on shots in the past:)
there is no time limit in real life ...
I don't like Ebdon style, but he is good player and can make high breaks.

I'm not talking about slow players, but persons who first aim, and then wait till the last seconds to shoot only because they want to make their rivals mad and win frame by opponent leaving (or you have free hour and want to win match in fair way)
I think you guys missed the point... I dont think the guy was taking all 60 seconds to work out the shot he wanted to play which I think we all agree is perfectly acceptable if its a tricky shot, he was taking the full 60 seconds in a hope that the opponant would be disconnected or become bored and leave. This has happened to me before but not for a while and the auto forfeit has stopped people doing it late in a game when far behind, but it is a problem and unfortionatly I dont see much can be done about it, we already have a time limit and its 60 seconds for a reason. Guess its one we just have to live with, very annoying tho.
if you cant wait 50 or so seconds for your opponent to take his shot then im guessing you are very impatient.
60seconds is not a long time to wait.

@ lapoueze im not a professional snooker player but im pretty sure in real life you are expected to take a shot in a reasonable amount of time and could be penalized if you didnt.
60seconds is not a long time to wait?
Every shot in a snooker game? of course it is omg

maybe I'm impatient... but I don't understand how this situation can be enjoyable for me as a player if I have to wait no less than 1 minute for EVERY shoot of my opponent?
Deliberate slow playing is defentely punishable and players have been punished in the past as it comes under "Unsportsmanlike Behaviour".

It is difficult to judge through screenshots but if any player faces such issue with an opponent for more than 3-4 shots then you can immediately contact any moderator who is online or if a mod isnt available send in a mail to moderator@flyordie.com so that the player can be observed later on and dealt with.
You should be allowed to take 59 secs every shot if you want, why have a 1 minute time limit if you can't use it.
i think its a different if a Player aim for a shot 1 Minute or waiting till to the End of the Time.

Some Players aim just for 10-15 Seconds(Me too) if its a tricky shot it takes longer.

A lot of Players aim 20-45 Seconds or a Minute thats Ok. Cause many of them pot the Ball.

But there are few Players they aim within 0-5 Seconds and wait till to the End of the Time and nearly any shot is a perfect pot. In this case i Think there is something wrong.

At least the Players they aim for 1 Minute, the Ball isnt far away (like u cant miss it,cause the Ball look in the pocket and Think "If they hit me i fall in") and then they Miss. This makes me Crazy. 
I dont mean Newbies.
What bothers me is when you have the win sewed up the y jet before the end or if they win 1 frame they leave.
As one of the fastest players here, I really hate the ones being slow and chose not to play until the last seconds on purpose.
I´m ok with a serious player aiming for 30 secs just to make a good try on a shot(even if Im not happy to wait, but thats me), but making me wait 40-55 secs on purpose just to piss me off is very annoying.

I personally want a option where you only have say 20 secs to make a shot.
yes thay hope you leave but try this .write payback to them.ok then right the time you take yhe time i will take and then thay stop. as thay hope you leave this works every time.thankyou 
Hy,the  unfair players has many accounts and cheat in the game!
Difficult to prove or disprove. What is unsportsmanlike, and also difficult to prove,  is when very good players deliberately lose point to start over. It is happening a hell of a lot lately. To try and get a fair game by challenging someone with equal points doesn't work anymore
 i played a game a mints a go and ther shoot when only a few seconds  
I've played againts player mousecut last evening. The game was normal, quite fast. But when i had about 18 points more he started to make his shoot in last seconds. For me this is pitiful. 

Here I add one screen I made, when he potted red ball, then he aimed to yellow, changed rotation in few seconds and then he was waiting till last second to make a shoot.

IMO this is not a fair behaviour and players like him should be punished.
I totally agree with you, you talk sence, but shots take about 12-17 seconds on average, thats the beauty of snooker , gluk in finding faster 1s

There might be a simple reason why people play slow - at least if I talk for myself.

If you 
1st don't say "good luck" in the beginng and
2nd don't excuse for flukes or
3rd are a pretty annoying person

it can happen to you.

I would prefer banning people without manners from FOD - no gl, no hi, no sorry, no np; but this is also not possible and I have to live with it. These unfair players should then live with some slow shots. Sorry, just my 2 cents.
Those players that don't talk may have multiple reasons for doing so.

They might not even speak any English for a start.
A younger player may of been instructed by parents to avoid talking to avoid giving out personal information.
Or they might just like playing in silence to help them concentrate.
I for one usually wish everyone I play against good luck in every game unless I know the person has a history of unsportsmanlike behaviour.

  The only way to fairly correct this is to make a total game clock., meaning you have x amount of time to complete a game.The drawbacks here is a plyr might sit for the total time and not shoot at all,is that any worse then what your experiencing now? Not really right,also it may have an effect on your own game.Anything you do will affect the overall gm of pool,and people will figure a way to take advantage of NOTHING...pool is a game of personality,character,patience,knowledge and respect.There's only 1 thing in life you have total control over,and that's who you choose to be your friends.... RACK'EM..
I personally would suggest creating a room for "Quick" playing just like Quick snooker.
It would stop most of the complaints due to its shorter timer in-game.

My opinion anyway.

The way to play the game is to map out all your shots backwards from the eightball. Meaning what pocket you wanto make the eightball,then what ball your going to shoot to position for the eightball,what ball your goina shot to position for that ball,so you can position for the eightball,etc,etc,etc.Meaning if you follow you road map to the T,and don't get out of line with any shots,its easy.But if you get out of line with a shot,you have to stop and remap your run again,which may take a little more time. So unless you shoot great shape,you will be remapping your runout constantly.If you don't map out your runout before you shoot,or only map out 2 or 3 shots you'll never be any good at this game>>>>!!  Online pool is much tougher to shoot shape than the real deal,go time a REAL game and 60 secs is nothing!!
The way to play the game is to map out all your shots backwards from the eightball. Meaning what pocket you wanto make the eightball,then what ball your going to shoot to position for the eightball,what ball your goina shot to position for that ball,so you can position for the eightball,etc,etc,etc.Meaning if you follow you road map to the T,and don't get out of line with any shots,its easy.But if you get out of line with a shot,you have to stop and remap your run again,which may take a little more time. So unless you shoot great shape,you will be remapping your runout constantly.If you don't map out your runout before you shoot,or only map out 2 or 3 shots you'll never be any good at this game>>>>!!  Online pool is much tougher to shoot shape than the real deal,go time a REAL game and 60 secs is nothing!!
Lets face it its a computer game not real life aint it LOL.
I do not think you can call a player who entirely uses his quota of allocated time, it is the game!! Who stops you from utilizing your 60 seconds? What prompts you to rush your shot? All you can do is avoid certain player if you do not like to play with them.
I do not wish to hurt anybody's feelings anyway. Most of us are here to spend our free time. Just enjoy the game.
A time waster is a timer waster, period.

Most of them do it to annoy you.

I can't see how it would take 59 seconds to figure out a shot.

Well no offence intended but I find this a total joke of a topic 

''Players have 60 in snooker here'' Then going on to basically say he should be punished for taking 45 to 59 seconds to take his shot

You wouldnt see Ronnie O'Sullivan Mark Selby Barry Hawkins or Neil Robertson being told about taking their time in real life snooker

Even a 3 minute spell to judge and know that its the correct shot to play for them wouldnt be a foul 

I strongly think there is no harm in taking your full amount of time to take your FOD shot and the way I think is as long as the other player is actually playing (I've come across a few who have had time fouls) then thats fine by me 
Stop comaring FlyOrDie snooker to world championship snooker.

Game is way harder on a real table.
sometimes its poor connection.... I dont think the majority of people do it to frustrate their opponent