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 8 Ball Tourney. :) 
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 8 Ball Tourney. :) 
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 8 Ball Tourney. :) 
Hello, so here we are again with a little tourney. :)
I'd like to creat again a 8 Ball Tourney.
At first i would like to get 16 player, more would'nt be bad.

If we have more as 16 players we'll have a first round too, with some byes.
1st round > rt6
2nd round > rt8
Semifinal > rt9
Final > rt11

So everyone can join who wants to join.
You can play in rated or unrated it is ur choice. :)
If you are not sure, screen your score. ;)

Join like this: Tommy, 20, Germany!

I hope for another nice tournament!

Greetings, Tommy. :*
Nice format and a great person and for that reason, I'm happy to join.

Jon, 18, RU.

Kind Regards,

Paul, Old enough, England.

Thanks for doing this again Tommy :)
At moment we are 17 players, sunday the 1st round will start.
I hope to get more players. :)
Thanks for joining.

Sonntag kann ich nicht deswegen bin ich wieder raus. sry tommy
Du hast genug Tage zeit um dein Spiel zu spielen 3-5. :)
GroveStreetBros, 25, California,USA
Good Morning.
At moment we are 23, tomorow in the evening i want to start thr first round.
Maybe we can get another 9 players to reach a tournament with a 32 roster.

Tommy. :)
for who ever i have to play if im not on my trny nic look for me on .. Đомιиатоя thanks steve
achso na dann. sag mir dann mal bitte über den messenger bescheid 
Mauro 21, Colombia

Thanks for invite me and love you all 
Hello. :)
Well, here are the matches for the first round. :)

lapoueze : j howard
STG 123	: Lα νiε єѕt јuѕŧє 
High Class : Mαυѓσ 
doesnt talk : Cσиcєиτяaτє™ 
Zeus47 : RσnnieO'Sυllivαn	
p dash : Miki™	
Virtual World : thezenmaster.		
One Shot™ : Sexy Movimiento	
Shaun Murphy no1 : Sullivan88 	
Hollywood Hank : marcel0803	
woboy :	IInSaN3xSTyLeZ 	
Beetlejuice : ´Eddie Guerrero 	
SugarBaby : Zero Skillz.™ 
Gary Ridgway :	GroveStreetBros 
Canucks69 : Tactical Player.	
Freak84	: Dανι Mιllѕαρѕ. 

It is race to 5 and you have 5 days time to play your games. :)
I wish good luck to everyone and i hope for a nice tourney there.

Thanks, Greetings Tommy. :*
I notice that my opponent is from Belgium so would it be best to play say 18:30 GMT today?
let me know when can play tactical player :P
Hi Tommy ich kann mein gegner Hollywod hank nicht finden lg marcel
lost ggs thanks concentrate (talha)
Hollywob Hank wher are you im reday for play vs you in room 6 ? bout the time?
Hollywod pls came to room 6 in 8 ball ty marcel0803

[Edited by: KANE123 on Feb 10, 2013 9:38 AM]
Hi, i will be on 5pm and onwards weekdays and on for the rest of today
Won 5-4 because of unfairness by Zeus47 , he knows what I mean in the last Game :)
Ok I shall be on on monday 8 pm uk time onwards. Which room do we meet?
Canucks69, what times are you on, maybe i could try and be on when you are. Are you in the UK like me?
i will be in room1 just after 8pm uk time
Tactical player, I know Canucks69 and he lives in Pacific Time which is GMT -8.
Ronnie you have lost - and i hope i dont see lies in this tourney again.
Otherwise its the exclusion of this tourney.

SGT123 hello, where do you play most often and your schedules online connection? thank you
insanestyles il be on tonight 6pm UK time so let me know if your available. thanks
woboy - i'll be on at same time, if you don't see me in room 1 come to unrated as i may not get into the room as im currently not subbed.
Tommy, he done fouls on purpose, he pots my balls, plays 8 whenever he wants and taps, if any mod would have watched this, zeus would be banned 100% , ask him for the last frame...
HighClass i cant find you ....tell me what time you can be online man !!
one shot™ 3 - 5  sexy movimiento

ggs mate

Mauro what time we can play :-)? been busy few days
insane how come u didnt play? i was waiting for you. il be on at 6 tomorrow till about half 7
I am GMT -6 but I can only play from 23:00 GMT to 6:00 GMT
She is normally in 8 ball room 1 when she is online.
When would you like to play Tommy?

Kind Regards,
Shaun Murphy no1 5:2 Sullivan88 - ggs ty for joining m8
Marcel, 29, Germany

Can I join?^^
Won against HighClass 5-4 ....Well played man , ul in last game and tyfp 
Virtual World left flyordie so thezenmaster got a new opponent.

thezenmaster. :  chillo1983 

gl both but be quick friday the time is over. :)

And for the rest, please play your games till friday. 

Greetings, Tommy
shaun, it is not easy with my schedule and that of SGT123 he lives in usa and I in Belgium
same with me and sugarbaby :( usa and im from england...
Miki I will be online tomorrow night if you want to play.
IInSaN3xSTyLeZ 3-5 Woboy .... Wp mate gg's
woboy 5-3 insaneskillz. 
thanks for the games mate wp.
OK thx Tommi m8, I will look for him, so its rt5 right?
la vie if you log on at 6am your time friday, then I should be able to handle a match into the night...
Miki hasn't replied to my post, still waiting...
p dash ur in 2nd round now.
Miki got no time to play.
So, one day left to play the last games.
If some games are not done, someone has to reach 2nd round.

I seen sugarbaby in 8ball playing a game she said ok to our games and she d/c i waited half hour and didnt come back so dunno what to do 
I can not connect to 6 am, at this time I sleep there sgt123, we must arrange with shaun to discuss our game, our shift schedules are too large.
Well, i cant really let 2 in 2nd round and changing the opponents is a bit late.
Someone has to get 2nd round. :|
So, I have finished now the first round with these scores:

1.	lapoueze	       5	:     4	j howard
2.	STG 123	       0	:     5	Lα νiε єѕt јuѕŧє (random)
3.	High Class	       4	:     5	Mαυѓσ 
4.	doesnt talk	       2	:     5	Cσиcєиτяaτє™ 
5.	Zeus47		       5	:     4	RσnnieO'Sυllivαn	
6.	p dash		       5	:     0	Miki™	(Miki got no time)
7.	chillo1983 	       5	:     0	thezenmaster.	(random)	
8.	One Shot™	       3	:     5	Sexy Movimiento	
9.	Shaun Murphy no1  5	:     2	Sullivan88 	
10.	Hollywood Hank      2	:     5	marcel0803	
11.	woboy		       5	:     2	IInSaN3xSTyLeZ 	
12.	Beetlejuice	       1	:     5	´Eddie Guerrero 	
13.	SugarBaby	       0	:     5	Zero Skillz.™ (random)
14.	Gary Ridgway	       5	:     0	GroveStreetBros (random)
15.	Canucks69 	       0	:     5	Tactical Player.	
16.	Freak84	       5	:     0	Dανι Mιllѕαρѕ. (random)

Thanks all for joining, 2nd round will there in a few minutes.
Let's start the 2nd round then. :)
Matches are:
1.	lapoueze		:	Lα νiε єѕt јuѕŧє 
2.	Mαυѓσ 			:	Cσиcєиτяaτє™ 
3.	Zeus47			:	p dash
4.	chillo1983 		:	Sexy Movimiento
5.	Shaun Murphy no1	:	marcel0803
6.	woboy			:	´Eddie Guerrero 
7.	Zero Skillz.™ 		:	Gary Ridgway
8.	Tactical Player.	:	Freak84	

It is race to 6 and you have time till wednesday.

Good luck all and have fun. :)

Greetings, Tommy. :)
zeus ill be on tomorrow night after 8:30.
Hi Freak84,

What times are you on in UK time?
Hi chillo, im sick for 2 days i have a flu and i cant play for the moment, im in bed all the day. I hope i will be able to play in the next 4 days. I keep you informed.
 Lα νiε єѕt јuѕŧє 6 /2 Lapoueze 
thanks and sorry 
lost 4:6 gg's ty but dont be arrogant in ur way to play Tactical Player its silly
What do you mean? when i was playing hard shots on purpose? why didnt you say this to me before you ran off after losing...?  Strange.
Hiya Aurélien

Thats no problem.

Wish ya a good rest

Zeus47  6:2 p dash
Gratulation to Zeus47 and thanks for playing p dash. :)
won vs chillo1983 6-2, thx for waiting mate
Np ggs m8 and gl for rest Tournament
Hey Woboy,

when you have time to play?
today i am free in quick snooker and 8ball room1 you can find me
Lose 1-6 against Talha...he knows why ;) ...thnx for invite Tommy 
i won 6:0 vs marcel0803
He left on 3:0. 
It's the last 20 hours to play the game Gary Ridgway and Zero Skillz.

The 2nd round is done.
Scores are:
1.	lapoueze	      2	:    6	Lα νiε єѕt јuѕŧє 
2.	Mαυѓσ 		      1	:    6	Cσиcєиτяaτє™ 
3.	Zeus47		      6    :    2	p dash
4.	chillo1983 	      2	:    6	Sexy Movimiento
5.	Shaun Murphy no1   6	:    0	marcel0803
6.	woboy		      6	:    2	´Eddie Guerrero 
7.	Zero Skillz.™ 	5	: 6	Gary Ridgway (random)
8.	Tactical Player.	      6	:    4	Freak84	

Thanks all for joining and gratulation for the winners. :)
Let us start the Quarter Finals. :)

1.	Lα νiε єѕt јuѕŧє 		:	Cσиcєиτяaτє™
2.	Zeus47			:	Sexy Movimiento
3.	Shaun Murphy no1	:	woboy
4.	Gary Ridgway		:	Tactical Player.

Good luck all it is race to 8 and you have time till saturday. :)

I can't find Zeus and i won't be able to play after friday.
So, here are the Semi Finals. :) 

1.	Cσиcєиτяaτє™		: 	Sexy Movimiento (Both reached Semi's by random)

2.  	woboy			:	Gary Ridgway

gl all it is race to 9. :P
gary il be available wednesday from about 6pm-10pm UK time. wanna play then?
A little disappointed not to have played concentrate, my work prevented me Saturday.
Lost Cσиcєиτяaτє™ 6-9 Ѕexy Movіmiento gg's m8 ty for tourny:p
lost 9-8 against Gary, ggs ty. very close.
I won Ѕexy Movіmiento in the final 11-8 ggs ty for trny
Hello all.
The winner is: Gary Ridgway

Gratulation for your 1st place mate.

Well played there man.

Also gratulation for 2nd place Sexy Movimiento.

Thanks all for joining this tourney, was fun. :)

If there is some interest i would make another one in the near future.

Greetings, Tommy
i would welcome another one, 8ball tournys are the best
I'd be happy to join another if you wished to run one :)