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What Would You Like To See Added Too Darts
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What Would You Like To See Added Too Darts
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What Would You Like To See Added Too Darts
Just Wondering.
 barmaid , jukebox , and pool table
what a pointless posts just got nothing to do with the topic at all
Set number of legs when challenging would be good. Also like in pool/snooker tournaments, automatic matches should be made.
>set games to avoid runners

Yes nice idea this, would be good to get implemented.

Senior FlyorDie Moderator
more tournaments for non - subscribers and also ban run cheats like ArthurPendragon completely - via their IP !
>also ban run cheats like ArthurPendragon completely - via their IP !

Running is not against the rules..

Senior FlyorDie Moderator

maybe not, but I see you replied to 'pufc4ever' that it would be a "nice idea to get implemented" to set games to avoid runners, so I suggest you do so quickly,  to avoid this site losing even more numbers of players...
stop runners, make it a 3 game minimum. set it for 3 games instead of one. tournament play...ban the ban. entering the tournament room would disable the ban function. if a player goes in and wins a few games then applies the ban he finishes undefeated. if someone is there to just watch when watching a match they can't be challenged and if they do get challenged decline.