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New button at Connect4 interface
New button at Connect4 interface
New button at Connect4 interface

I’m a connect4 player and I’d like to suggest to the developer to add a new functionality at the interface.

At the interface where 2 players play, we have a button “Please Keep Quiet! (Alt+G)” button, I’d like to know if it will be possible to add another button. The goal of this button, if it is activate, could be to limit the opponent change of pages (for example allowed 4 alternances).  If a player change more pages that it’s allowed, he looses the match.

I think this new functionality could limit programs use. 

Of course I know that my proposition is not in line with the following rules: “Using a computer to decide your moves in a board game (specifically chess, checkers, reversi, gomoku, nine men's morris, go, four in a row, pente and backgammon) on FlyOrDie is allowed.”

Nevertheless, I think that add the button could:
- allowed alternation of pages when 2 players want to discuss using translator, to that they don’t activate the button;
- limit programs.

I hope this message will persuade developers to add this new functionality.



bonsoir, je suis tout à fait d'accord. L'idée du bouton est brillante! En sachant que beaucoup de joueurs sont contre et quelque soit le jeu de table. Cela serait une grande révolution pour les sites de jeu en ligne. 

J'ai vu que sur mémory il y a plusieurs choix de jeu. Ce serait bien d'avoir plusieurs choix aussi à puissance 4. Comme différente taille (8x8, 9x6, 8x7...) ou une option ou on pourrait choisir des départs... Et aussi pour le temps (5min, 3min, 1min, 30secondes) 

Et ce serait bien d'avoir aussi un traducteur direct sur le site. Cela simplifierait les dialogues entre joueurs de différentes nationalités. 

Merci d'avance. 


hello, I'm agree. The idea of the button is brilliant! Knowing that many players are against and whatever the game table. This would be a great revolution for online gambling sites.

I saw that on mémory there are several choices of game it would be nice to have several choices as to power 4. As different sizes (8x8, 9x6, 8x7 ...) an option or we could choose departures ... And also for the time (5min, 3min, 1min, 30seconds)

And it would be nice to also have a translator on the live site. This would simplify the dialogue between players of different nationalities.

Thank you in advance.
I totally agree with you and petit. It's a good idea.