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Xaio Guodong Congratulations
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Xaio Guodong Congratulations
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Xaio Guodong Congratulations
i would like to congratualate Xaio Guodong on becoming the number one all round player on fyordie. You have proved this by being top of the compond list for all games well done m8 keep it up!!! 
gald u are all enjoying the post :p made my day so funny :)
LOL a few years back ,i saw someone having a converstion with herself in 8ball.
she as like , hey dear how are you?xx
then replying to herself on the same account " im fine babes ty xx " 
she went on for about an hour , flooding the lobby , she was insulting herself , then apologizing O_O scary , but funny in a way i cant describe.

And now we congratulate you with being 2nd in compound list lol
Lol this post made me laugh :D

However not anymore;)
I must say, you are probably the only person to congratulate yourself via another nick on a forum.  So I personally congratulate you for that achievement. :)

Well done.

FlyOrDie Moderator