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i have suggestions for two  new games
i have suggestions for two  new games
i have suggestions for two  new games
Dear flyordie operator
i have suggestions for two  new games
one is twenty twenty cricket game and tennis game.
Great Idea's Nani..20-20 Cricket game would be good, I think would be a fast and interesting game, as would Tennis..hope the people running the site agree..

Fantastic suggestions Nani.Hope the people at fod consider this.
These games would be a nice addition.  Tennis sounds especially interesting.
I think both games you've suggested are "rite-on" Nani! I hope the operators of FOD do give it a serious consideration.  Thank you again Nani.
Great idea...T20 will be best including 5 or 2 overs perside and something like "howzat.com" will be extremely interesting. Lawn Tennis is not good enough to be played online with other players taking in consideration the lag.
yh...tennis and cricket.hell yeah.it would be great 
sounds great nani + points for you for the good thinking :p
nice one, good ideas nani (A) woud like both
Why not Bowling too !? :D

i think any new game is a good idea , if people dont like it , then what harm is one ? we just try another one  :) 
No one would play the cricket darts game but tennis would be a very good game to play i for one would certainly give it a try 
yea good idea nani we deffo need a new darts game here goodluck with your suggestions :)
there is a game of darts called killer, also round the clock is another  :)
He's not on about a new darts game!.. A cricket game he means