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Help-Advice-tips -anything PLEASE,
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Help-Advice-tips -anything PLEASE,
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Help-Advice-tips -anything PLEASE,
Hay all,
I was just wondering if anyone can give me advise.

Every game i will pot the white. Sometimes as low as twice but most games 4 or more. If thats not bad enough i also pot the black roughly 2 out of ten games. If im lucky i will pot the white in off the black  4 to 5 times a day.

I take my time and feel like i can pot any ball on the table, my positioning is getting better. I feel im not a bad player and can beat anyone when im shooting well.

The thing is though my rating hovers between 50 and 150 all the time because of how unlucky i am. My highest rating was 207 but the same day i was down to 0.

Is there anyone who could give me some tips or even better play me a few times in a unrated room to see where im going wrong and how i can improve my game?
Ok so you want my private snooker lessons? It wont be for free though.
Have a couple of games on the practice table, get used to the angles and attain your own speed and personal style; if you miss a pot and think, 'I should have potted that' then click 'undo shot' facility and have another go or two until your happy with that outcome.
Also, play 'Guests' from time to time, look upon them as sparring partners.
Above all else, forget about the points and play for the sheer enjoyment of playing; if you start getting obsessed with gaining points etc. you'll get angry and frustrated if things don't go your way and your not climbing the ladder as fast as you want to do.. 
take a step back and ask yourself, 'am I enjoying this ?'
rushing shots can ruin your playing.i know cause i get impatient and rush shots and miss.i find that if im potting the cue ball or the 8ball to much i try to hit softer.
I prefer pot pot pot and perfect pos play. :)

What I do when I'm aiming is purposly aim just off the pocket and then i click one space to the left/right and then if im unsure about it going in i click another space in the same direction and if i know that is defenitely missing then i go back to the other 1 which I'm most confident on.
I hope that makes sence, it's just difficult to explain. 
Anyway we all have our own styles of play and thats mine :)
Take your time. Keep it as simple as possible.
ya and practice practice more u play better u will get n focus is key 
thank you very much. much appreciated
Just play some games and learn from your mistakes, learn the angles and dont try to hard to get high rates.
It will come anytime that you'll be higher. :)

Look, we all have highs and lows.  When I first started in 2004 I was averaging 200-300, then in 2007-2008 I peaked and averaged 650+, then for the last 3 years I have been averaging 350-500.

It all depends how much effort you put into each game.  Nowadays I often rush my shots, no idea why.  But when I take my time and look at the angles I rarely miss.

Sure, i'll play you a few games if I see you around.

FlyOrDie Moderator