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Snooker - Highest breaks
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Snooker - Highest breaks
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Snooker - Highest breaks
Ladies and Gentlemen

We are happy to introduce 
the feature we've all been waiting for
the quintessence of Snooker


(right column)

(currently in beta)

very very good op but will this be added to quick & lite snooker?
these break's are since yesterday? lol
There should be highest break on every players info so when you play against someone you know what your oponent is capable of.
breaks in unrated room will be added to this list?
Makr_Sleby 1: 
all toplists are for subs only, this is not exception either. You can use rating in order to predict an unknown player's strength. Sometimes it works...


unrated games are included I think.


so there will be highest breaks list in quick & lite?
>so there will be highest breaks list in quick & lite?

OMG, have some patience will you.  You ask for an update, OP makes you one, then you ask about other updates.  Relish the updates you are receiving and enjoy the games.  :|

Have you heard the saying..
"Writing is good, thinking is better. Cleverness is good, patience is better."
Herman Hesse

FlyOrDie Moderator
Hi OP does this count as playing a guest aswell?
If unrated is included some players will play a friend which is playing all balls infront of a pocket, so it is easy to get a 100 break in my opinion. 

You should take away the unrated option OP you can easily get set up by a friend.
It can also happen in rated, can't it.

True, but that would be cheating wouldn't it? Unrated you can do what you like.
Its not include i made yesterday 75 in unrated and its not in list:p
Calm down thunder!!! its a very simple question & i wasnt rushing op to add highest breaks to quick & lite, i was just curious to know if it would be added in the future. Chill out thunder :s
>Calm down thunder!!! its a very simple question & i wasnt rushing op to add highest breaks to quick & lite, i was just curious to know if it would be added in the future. Chill out thunder :s

I will just repeat what OP said to you "patience".

FlyOrDie Moderator
im not in a hurry m8 lol.do you understand what patience meens? your a funny guy thunder :s
i have made 40 and a 46 break but its not on the toplist why is that? ;\
How Zalennor have 10 breaks above50 if he played only 3 games and breaks with guest or in unrated room not count ??
where can you see 10 breaks above 50? 
How has Zalennor got 10+ 50 breaks when he has only played 3 games? Interesting :D
right corner it show sometimes ranking breaks etc u must refresh it til u see count of half centuries
thanks great stats flyordie keeps getting better & better. apart from bank pool :) lol
Can we hv same for 6red snooker big table who gets first maximum (75) ??
why this game isnt in ur info awesome? bit strange
hi ppl, does anybody know whats the highest break ever in snook pro? btw gl with the century hunt:):p! 
I heard he made that 103 playing against himself and setting himself up with opening reds? no wonder it isn't on his info vince we should all start doing this 
Well done to you guys who messed it up playin yourself, should be proud of yourselves :) Ruined it ;) at least we got stats now and some cool extra tourny's.
nicely done to everyone who was involved in this! keep it doing! Now the competition is closed thanks to some kids who tried to cheat, and really i predicted that to happens, so OP made the right choice!
For all you know he could of played his brother sat next to him on different laptops, he didn't but what if he did..
>For all you know he could of played his brother sat next to him on different laptops, he didn't but what if he did..

That isn't the point. Obviously something happened to make the cent easier (Smashing the balls at the start to get a nice spread for himself, ensuring the black isn't tied up etc.), otherwise why play your own nick ;)? 

Saying that OP didn't state that you couldn't play yourself doesn't wash either. It is clearly implied that this shouldn't have been done, anyone could have figured that out. And then to try and post the evidence and not even explaining that this was gained by a user playing himself clearly implies a cover up.

We should hand some shovels out to make it easier for people to dig holes round here!
I showed Paul how to do this thing, so technically it's my fault. If I hadn't missed an easy black this would've been me who was receiving a ban.

My mistake and I'm sorry for ruining it for everybody.
Would it be possible that if a player quit you can finish your break? Cause sometimes when your on a big break the opponent quit so your break stops.

I agree with eddy.People keep leaving when I'm in a break and when they realise that they are probably going to loose. Would be great if it was possible to keep playing till you miss. 

PS. break-stats are great, even if I'm having more pressure in high breaks since it got introduced ^^

^^ Sorry, posted in wrong topic :| my bad
can we have highest breaks in snooker lite, quick & power. if your capable thanks
centuries breaks not count as a half centuries?
Why none of my breaks appear on the toplist? I made 52 yesterday, but it still hasnt showed up on the toplist? Does these breaks even get refreshed or what?
Id like to receive an answer because ive paid money for all of these new features, all other toplist seem to be working fine, but high breaks dont.
Was it in quick or lite maybe?
These lists only contain normal snooker breaks currently.

Maybe the problem is that i made this break playing with 6 reds?
OP, now i have made 3 half centuries in last two days in normal snooker, but still neither has showed up on the toplist. Why is that and will it be fixed?
It's possible to see list with highest breaks made in old version?
Do breaks made in games against guests count? I just made 56 against a guest but it doesn't appear to be coming up 
when will highest breaks be added to quick snooker
Why in list with highest breaks today are still yesterday breaks
Hi OP, it seems the count of halfcents doesnt always work.
I had a cent yesterday and it wasnt counted as halfcent.
Also the other day i made 2 halfcents in a single match but only one was counted. Since i dont make halfcents like eatin popcorns id like the few i make to be counted properly :D
If you have the bo3/5 button on only the highest break does count.
Also a century break doesnt get counted as half century. Just as century. :p
Well thanks for the info Tommy! :)
break 80 for me my highest
Thank you Tommy! Just got lucky :D
Oh oh oh look at who pops up after ages! Kieran where have u been we've missed u :P 
my highest break is 93, but I am not a subscriber:(
I remember was in the fourth frame in a bo9 match vs adrianliu. Just about two weeks ago!