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wud someone show me some kool opening?
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wud someone show me some kool opening?
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wud someone show me some kool opening?
 I got some "killing" opening but I dont know their names :)  could anyone show me where to look up the names of those openings?   My favorite is english opening tho I love english opening!!!
dat tiger, chess is more difficult as tanx, but its good if u want to learn this game :D
k, i was teachin fine to play a few days ago,i could meet you in the chess room sometime :D
cky, i hope you find this of help ;)
nice idea jade... just try telling that 2 a grandmaster lol

and ars, i must play u again sometime cos our last game was class.
Total snore fest! Why don't you just move a couple of pawns around in the opening? That way, you can save brain power (or whatever u have left) for the rest of the game?
I played the From on you suit and you didn't like it!

Suit u sir vs. Arsenide

1. f4     e5
2. fxe5   d6

I'm not sure what you were thinking but you thought I was playing poor by responding as such.  But after a ...Bxd6 following your exd6, I'm already ahead on tempo.

Don't forget that you can also go for the Schlecter Gambit:

1. f4     e5
2. fxe5   Nc6

Both the From and Schlecter are popular gambit responses to the Bird.  I was a bit surprised to see suit open with f4 but luckily I read into the From and found it to be very interesting for Black.

Well, thesangman likes the English opening, which goes:

English Opening

1. c4

Popular variations/transpositions are 1. Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 (Anglo-Indian), which gives a bit of a hybrid between a King's Indian and the English 2. c4, coupled with the support of the two Knights.  The Knight opening isnt very common, but the opening in itself is popular within the English set of openings.

Black can choose to undermine a central pawn center when White plays 1. c4 by going into a Tartakower-Indian opening, 1. c4 d6 2. Nf3 Ng4 3. d4.  If I was truely going against the English then this would be a bit passive for me, Anglo-Indian included.

I would go into a King's English against 1. c4 by replying 1...e5.  Look familiar?  This is in fact a mirror of the Silican where the pieces are sort of reversed.  Black will use the advantage of preventing d4 and develop his own pieces.  Breakthroughs with central pawns as Black are usually not good, as White will get sufficient results after good play.

wat about english opening it is kool :p  help me to 500 ;);)
well dudes, this isnt half a popular disscusion, we r in the popular list!!!
wow, looking at the posts u ppl r really into chess!!!
i must play u sometime.
i use the ruy lopez and kings idian ;\

Bird larson:[img=

White wins 32.2%
   Black wins 46.0%
   Draws 21.8%
heh heh, not a popular opening!

The bird larson is basicaly two openings put together, the bird is the stuff on the right hand side,like bishops pawn forward and the bird(named after Henry Bird) bit is the bishop going in front of the knight on the left hand side of the board, see here at this chess game.


Bird's opening


   A02 Bird: From gambit

   1.f2f4 e7e5

      A02 Bird: From gambit, Lasker variation

      1.f2f4 e7e5 f4e5 d7d6 e5d6 f8d6 g1f3 g7g5

      A02 Bird: From gambit, Lipke variation

      1.f2f4 e7e5 f4e5 d7d6 e5d6 f8d6 g1f3 g8h6 d2d4

   A02 Bird's opening, Swiss gambit

   1.f2f4 f7f5 e2e4 f5e4 b1c3 g8f6 g2g4

   A02 Bird: Hobbs gambit

   1.f2f4 g7g5
Now we look at openings other than "1. e4". The Queen's Gambit starts with: 
  1. d4 d5  2. c4
White offers up a pawn in exchange for rapid development. Black can accept the gambit with dxc4, playing "Queen's Gambit Accepted", which is a risky way to play this gambit. Black can also play Nc6 (the Tchigoran Defense), e6 (which leads to the Tarrasch Defense), or play e6 (the Orthodox Defense).  

Ars, just about anybody can go looking on the internet 4 that stuff, the question is, do u understand it? i do

i tried the kings indian once against a white kings pawn opening , very commmon , i cant work with the indian, i find the alakhines a much more forward and aggresive , cos bassically the white kings gambit is the most aggresive of openings.

I have read countless books on the bird larson, i find that it beat advanced players because it is a very rare opening , it tends 2 throw players.

Sicilian Dragon (Respond to 1...c5 after 1.e4)

1. e4     c5
2. Nf6    d6
3. d4     cxd4
4. Nxd4   Nf6
5. Nc3    g6

This is a popular variant of the Sicilian (1. e4 c5), one of the most popular replies as Black to the King's Pawn opening.  Black will fianchetto (Bg7) on the Kingside and castle, while White will develop his dark bishop and Queen and go for Queenside castling (the most popular line as White, known as the Yugoslav Attack when coupled with a f3 to support the e-pawn).

A ton of online resources can be found on the Sicilian Dragon if your interested in learning some of the theory (don't even try to learn it all, the theory on the Dragon stretches for dozens of moves while still being in the opening).

We all know about the Spanish Game.  Here's the line, which should look familiar.  It's good to refer to the opening by its name, so that's why I give it:

Spanish Game (or Ruy Lopez) (Respond to 1...e5 after playing 1. e4)

1. e4     e5
2. Nf3    Nc6
3. Bb6

The White bishop at b6 serves to partially undermine the support of the e-pawn by pinning the Knight to the King in case the d-pawn is advanced (which is done in order to control the center).  Play the Classical Defense, which continues:

3.     ...Nf6
4. O-O    Bc5

,which is a popular variant for beginners playing as Black.

Additionally, you can play gambits such as the King's Gambit (1. e4 e5 2. f4), Queen's Gambit (1. d4 d5 2. b4), play an Indian Game with the King's Indian Defense (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 and then ...Bg7).

1-e4e5 2-c4-nc3.....ummm french something or ..... like defense something
 what about the moves for those opening eh? help me out here C'mon;)
i usually play queens gambit or bird larson. as black i play alechine's defence againts a white king pawn opening or a grunfeld defence against a queen pawn opening.

no, im bieng serious here lol

uhhhhhhh and that's like my opening....dont know the name
1-e4,e5  2-c4 nf3. there you have it