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Team Match on KGS Sign Up!
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Team Match on KGS Sign Up!
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Team Match on KGS Sign Up!
Hello everyone! I will be hosting a team match on kgs coming up in a week or so! A team match is when 2 players play against two others players and the players alternate moves! For example: Let's say myself and Akira Touya were paired up and we faced the pair of Hikaru Shindou and Waya Yoshitaka, We have black so Akira moves first, then Shindou plays, then I would play, then Waya. It alternates players and moves! Anyone at any skill can sign up for this event. Here are the signed up players so far:

Signed Up Players: Liamtennis1 [3k] Bubbatub[2k] Bebop [2d] SamuelBla [10k]

Please sign up! I will give the dates for the matches to anyone who signs up! If you have any questions or concerns, email me at Flareknife@yahoo.com I will be sure to respond within a day.
Go to the Flyordie room on KGS's room list at 12pm CENTRAL STANDARD TIME
I guess that is what it's called. But I just call it a team match.
So what you're proposing is rengo? Or how does it differ? Just curious
The match will be this Sunday at 12pm Central timezone.