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Top Go Lists
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Top Go Lists
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Top Go Lists
I have a question:  What happened to Noobrunswick in the top Go lists?  He was way up there on all three lists, and now I don't see his name at all.  That makes me sad....
I guess his subscription ran off. That sounds as the most possible variant as for me...
What three lists? (...and I think SOME people here need to get out more.)
"what three lists" yes GO do have 3 lists,and dont you talk like that arrogant...not just GO,other games have it too.
Well, Reiki, I still would like to know where these lists are found. I only know the one that says "Show the Top List" when you click on that icon. How do you access the other three?

As for arrogance, I was only trying to humorously point out that if I'm not concerned that I'm no longer on those lists, why should Ruby seem to care so much?
The top Go lists really are unimportant and not at all reflective as to how well you play Go.  It's just that I noticed a very frequent player's name had been removed and I wondered why. You can access those lists from the FlyorDie home page before you enter the Go room to play.  I think the link says "More Go."
Just so you don't worry, noobrunswick is alive and well.
Just so you don't worry, noobrunswick is alive and well.