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Losing points while not logged in.
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Losing points while not logged in.
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Losing points while not logged in.
I logged into the site last night July 11th and when I logged out I had 100 points tonight when I logged in I had 99 points, so what you lose a point per day? why was a point taken away. and I checked before I logged out I had 100 points. now tonight I logged out with 118 and I bet tomorrow when I log in it will be different, why?????
Hi Jilly,
It is a way of making sure that you keep playing! FlyOrDie is part funded by the advertising revenue, and part funded from subscriptions. If nobody plays, they won't make money.
Try not to get too focused on your points. If you do, they will have you well and truly hooked!

Good Luck,

and I was just complaining, but they explained to me ...
You have to lose points...you cant always have same points.Just play game and have fun.Many players(newcomers)care for their points,but later you wont care so much,you will just ask for fun...;):)