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TANX Bug? 
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TANX Bug? 
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TANX Bug? 
whats going on FOD? recently i've noticed in the game tanx that one shot with nuke and the tanx gets on fire? this had happen in the past, but not this often. We the players of tanx have duels up to 10 but 3  of those kills were caused by one single shot nuke causing the tanx to be on fire..or sometimes with rocket shot and you're dead. Is this some kind of bug going on? not only ive noticed this but some players in tanx too. This is happening so frequent that many players in tanx are getting fed up by it. Are you gonna fix this issue or just sit there? I mean tanx hasn't be upgraded in ages and now on top of that a possible annoying bug. Might as well just shut down the game, geez. We are the forgotten players of FOD. Please do something about this. 
Regards, Knight. 
  there should be no BUG or change to the game if nobody has touched the programming of the game in years