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TANX moderator,we are still waiting for tanx 2! we hope soon,whoever reads this please leave a comment of how you would like TANX 2 to be like..i would like new weapons.. :@ 
i also want Tanx 2 all waiting for it :$

Been waiting 7 years ,and counting !!!!!!!
Stop wasting time. Tanx will never be updated.

In addition to that, there are tons of games out there that are more fun than Tanx and lightyears ahead in terms of being advanced. Buy a Playstation 3 and get some games, you will be glad you did. If you have a computer that can handle good games, do that as well.

Tanx is nowadays only good for a few things, such as the community. The game itself is a shadow of it's former glory and games nowadays blow it out of the water. We must accept this fact and move on and stop begging for an update which won't really do anything to make it able to compete with other shooting games.

Charm, Grace, Class,
Kobe i m ur frd and ur favourite enemy u never duel flats me where r u i wanna duel u (FTW.SHARMA) :D