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2011 World Championships of Curling - online tournament
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2011 World Championships of Curling - online tournament
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2011 World Championships of Curling - online tournament
The 2010 Winner was talent1, who beat Hokej in the Gold Medal Match. Congratulations to you both! Results of all the 2010 matches, from the preliminary rounds onwards, are at

The 2011 Championships will start in January. Groups will have 8 players, each playing seven 6-end matches in a Round Robin format; one match per week. Players who don't play their matches will have "WalkoverWins" awarded against them. Wherever possible groups will be "regional", according to time-zones. The top 4 players from each group continue to the next round. The following rounds will be 8-ends, then 10-end final games which will be before Christmas - 2011! The "World Champion Curler for 2011" should be crowned then.

To enter, simply leave your Nick, Country and e-mail below - here on the Curling Forum at FlyOrDie. The Championships will be administered via the website at 
You will be contacted when your group is ready to start playing.

Requests for additional events are most welcome - contact me via the WorldCofC website.

Good Luck!

MuddyD - Scotland
wegma (Poland)

Osmark - Norway. I have his e-mail.
OhCanada - Canada! OhCanada@gmx.ca
ksiezniczkawegmy from Poland

adress mail --->  ksiezniczkawegmy@gmail.com
EveMuirhead - UK.
Domin8or - Norway
talent1 - Norway
osmark - Norway
Deejay30 - Scotland
BC SKIP - Canada              I have the e-mail addresses
1236789 Canada tyler_pitzel@hotmail.com
börner bär (Schweiz)
Hi Folks,

I've been following all the registrations. this won't be a tournament that never starts! Once a European or American Group of 8 is ready, I'll e-mail the 8 players to let them know. My previous experience is that an 8-hour time difference between players isn't convenient. CurlManitoba, from Italy, resides in Canada...

We'll get going as soon as we can - tell your friends!

OK - there are more than 8 from Europe. I'll set the group up tonight.

Best Wishes,

Please copy groups in this topic
2011 World Championships - Group A:
wegma – Poland         
ŁukaszPL - Poland     
Cmc2209 – Scotland  
EveMuirhead – UK     
Caroline_l - Poland 
Domin8or – Norway   
Osmark – Norway     
Deejay30 – Scotland

Matches and e-mail addresses are at
 then click on World GroupA

You have one match per week. The first is the blue square in the grid, then yellow, then pink, then red. Results must be posted on the GroupA pages, following the links.
Any problems, or if you don't understand do let me know.

Good Luck

Full address for the GroupA page is
Not yet in a Group:
OhCanada - Canada!   OhCanada@gmx.ca
Net-axes - Canada    chickenlegs905@gmail.com
BC SKIP - Canada
curlmanitoba - Canada KeybladeT12@hotmail.com
1236789 - Canada    tyler_pitzel@hotmail.com

talent1 - Norway
börner bär (Schweiz)  brner2000@yahoo.de


hi, iwant to play Europe


indejaus@yahoo.com spain

id like to join

el martillo


meggentosh.switzerland,sunday113@bluewin.ch      thanks
dandoo, canada, vernfecteau@hotmail.com
Two more groups Group B (two more players required for each but you can start). 
 then click on "Group B" or "Group C" E-mail addresses are there. Post results there also. 
I will start a new threads on this forum for 2011 Worlds - Group B and 2011 Worlds Group C.

Good Luck

Group B
Net-axes - Canada
BC SKIP - Canada
curlmanitoba - Canada
1236789 - Canada
ICE TIGER - Canada
dandoo - Canada

Group C
talent1 - Norway
börner bär - Switzerland
indejaus - Spain
el martillo - Scotland
meggentosh - Switzerland
Glynzales - Denmark
team nl , canada , maxgilling@hotmail.com
Hong Kong China
How many players go to the next round for World Group A? Two players? 
The 2011 Championships will start in January. Groups will have 8 players, each playing seven 6-end matches in a Round Robin format; one match per week. Players who don't play their matches will have "WalkoverWins" awarded against them. Wherever possible groups will be "regional", according to time-zones. 
The top 4 players from each group continue to the next round.
 The following rounds will be 8-ends, then 10-end final games which will be before Christmas - 2011! The "World Champion Curler for 2011" should be crowned then.

To enter, simply leave your Nick, Country and e-mail below - here on the Curling Forum at FlyOrDie. The Championships will be administered via the website at http://www.WorldChampionships ofCurling.net You will be contacted when your group is ready to start playing.

Requests for additional events are most welcome - contact me via the WorldCofC website.

Good Luck!

MuddyD - Scotland
Zigzago    e mail    SABANCIHOLDING@live.be  

Mikey T95




Just to let everyone know that you can still register. Once six players are available the next group will start - I'll then add two more to make eight.


E-mail address : biesmansnick12@gmail.com

Dirtbag Dan, dandanyourdaddy@hotmail.co.uk, England/ United Kingdom
Sure, why not.

Buckoman58 - Canada

hazza1 (england)



Group D - go to 
 and click on GroupD

Kodziowymiatacz   kodziowymiatacz@gmail.com
Mikey T95    England   mikeyt95@hotmail.com
phoenix01    allysimms@hotmail.com    Scotland
Hitman_   Canada     evcantor@hotmail.com
Biesmans    biesmansnick12@gmail.com    Holland
Buckoman58 – Canada    buckoman.sage@gmail.com
Dirtbag Dan     England   dandanyourdaddy@hotmail.co.uk
MuddyD    Scotland    MuddyScotland@gmail.com
Next group:
1. hazza1 (england) harryiles@live.co.uk
2. edenmyhomeclub Canada   
we need your e-mail address!

Anybody left out? Post a repy with nick, country and e-mail
Result from Mikey T95 vs Kodziowymiatacz

Mikey T95-5
Kodziowymiatacz- 11 

batchdawg - Canada   batchdawg@yahoo.ca
hi my user name is weskoast

alberta  canada


please reply
Bajo PL
All noted - thanks. Need six players to start a group, then two more for eight. Only have 5 at the moment, but really only 4 because we need all to have e-mail addresses!

Might be able to start next weekend. Tell others - but only if they plan to play their matches.
Bajo PL  Poland   strunicki@gmail.com

I might add that i'm from Scotland
If it's not too late I'd like to play



Group E:
1. hazza1 (england) harryiles@live.co.uk
2. batchdawg - Canada batchdawg@yahoo.ca
3. weskoast - alberta canada  wes.witiuk@gmail.com
4. Bajo PL - Poland  strunicki@gmail.com
5. SpecialOne - Scotland  mr_snedden@btinternet.com
6. Hokej - Poland   pat-18@tlen.pl
7. benzeph  Canada  hrissin@gmail.com
8. one more required

I haven't got time right now to do the Group page, but should have it up in ~12 hours.
Some requests:
edenmyhomeclub Canada - we need your e-mail address or you can't play!
weskoast is in Alberta. If other Canadians can let me know their state/territory/ nearest city it'll make arranging times for matches a whole lot easier... The tournament site has clocks with time zones.

Good Luck.
I'd like to play.



MoreDrinks :



If it's not too late.
collectorW    belgium
Team Graham,  Nova Scotia, Canada
Group E:
1. hazza1 (england) harryiles@live.co.uk
2. batchdawg - Canada batchdawg@yahoo.ca
3. weskoast - alberta canada wes.witiuk@gmail.com
4. Bajo PL - Poland strunicki@gmail.com
5. SpecialOne - Scotland mr_snedden@btinternet.com
6. Hokej - Poland pat-18@tlen.pl
7. benzeph Canada hrissin@gmail.com
8. sandwedgeFCP USA sandwedgeFCP@yahoo.com

Go to 
 and click on Group E
You all have three matches to play in the next 17 days.
MuddyD, I have a request to make...
In Group E, Could SpecialOne be removed and replaced with D.Murdoch (same e-mail adress, same person)
Please Respond
TeamScotland - Scotland

I make an appoitment today 6:45 UK time with the cmc2209. He didn't come, although appointed in advance, what you see above. I wanted to play a few times before the match but he refused and insisted on this term. I wait for him but he didn't come.

I won WoW
Group F
1. MoreDrinks Ontario,Canada Kingeta@hotmail.com
2. collectorW belgium   pverschuere@pandora.be
3. Team Graham, Nova Scotia, Canada   sdgraham@eastlink.ca
4. brettifer alex7420@mylaurier.ca    Canada
5. Lechh17    Poland   Lechu17.05@wp.pl
6.   ?
7.   ?
8.   ?
hi could I please play

sign me up please



Please sign me up
OK. GroupE is complete - I'll do the website pages then let you know. You'll have two matches to play before Monday 28th Feb.

Others can still join - leave your Nick, e-mail and Country (+ State if USA or Canada) in a reply to this post.
Me and my friend we do want

we're both from Brazil
and you can e-mail me on afns3000@hotmail.com
I'm up for it :P

Nick: Jonwpg

Email: curlingrockscanada@gmail.com

Country: Canada
Ok - it is Group F that has just started!
Group G:
1. andrectba93       Brazil     afns3000@hotmail.com
2. Lefizpe           Brazil     afns3000@hotmail.com???
3. jonwpg         Winnipeg, Canada   curlingrockscanada@gmail.com
I am away for nearly 2 weeks - but keep playing, and keep the registrations coming.
When there are 6 or more players, and not before 7th March. I am going on holiday tomorrow.
I wanna do this!

Team Kleibrink


BC Canada
muddy when is another group going to start?
Anyone interested in entering my tournament can do so at the forum , I need about another 12-20 teams and more if possible go to the forum or e-mail me @ Brier_Champ@hotmail.com
Group G will start when there are 6 players - at the moment there are 5.
ok thanks...how will I be notified when the group is filled?
I'll e-mail you once we have 6.
Vas(247)  England  jmv28uk@yahoo.co.uk
Hi Folks,
We now have 6. I'll write the tournament pages today or tomorrow then let you know.

Group G:
1. andrectba93 Brazil afns3000@hotmail.com
2. Lefizpe Brazil afns3000@hotmail.com???
3. jonwpg Winnipeg, Canada curlingrockscanada@gmail.com
4. Team Kleibrink, British Columbia Canada, kyle_gareau94@hotmail.ca
5. skullman222 Canada, moochmeister@sympatico.ca
6. Vas England jmv28uk@yahoo.co.uk
I sent you an email...check it and let me know!
vas you can tell me what time you want to play but also can we play tommorow?
Muddy do I have to play all my matches before April 10 23:00 GMT?
Matches vs Vas and Team Kleibrink before 23.00GMT on 27th March.
Matches vs ALLESIO and jonwpg before 23.00GMT on 10th April.
You will then have three matches to play thereafter.
You can all play your matches any time you like - if you and one of your last three opponents want to play today that is just fine. But I have to set dates by which matches will be VOID (no win awarded) or WoW (win to the guy who tried to play) otherwise the whole thing just falls apart.

Take a look at the "results" for GroupB! It is a whole lot more rewarding when results get posted after games get played.
Once you are in a Group, you can post in the thread for that group.
Muddy where do I post my result? On this page or where?
You can post them here if you wish - but you must post them on the pages at 
 Go to your Group G matches page and click any of the boxes which say "Click here to submit match result". Once submitted, results get e-mailed to me automatically and appear on the Group G matches page - you will need to refresh the page to see them, or restart your browser. It works - trust me!
Unless results are posted there, I won't see them.
gregcurlingnlfd St.John's NL email gsmithnfld@hotmail.com
Muddy, Kleibrink isn't replying to my email...what do I do?
Unplayed matches will continue to be posted as VOID - but I can no longer tell you. I just don't have time. So please have a look at the "grid" regularly.
If you wish to claim a WoW, please e-mail your opponent and tell him/her, copied to me. If the WoW is agreed, or you don't get a response to your e-mailed request to your opponent and are due the WoW, let me know. I will decide any disputes or arguments that arise - there is no appeal! It can a bit like being in a schoolyard sometimes, and I am the "Janny"; which is a wee Scottish abbreviation for Janitor, or Schoolyard attendant! I might be spelt Jani - or Janni. The Scots might know.

Above all remember that I do this for fun - and it is fun. If it isn't fun anymore I'll simply stop doing it.
When started 2 round in group E?
This week. GroupC needed playoff matches, which were completed yesterday.

are we to play all matches now?
You can play matches anytime you like - by mutual agreement with your opponents. You don't need to wait. Matches which haven't been played by the required date will be shown as VOID, and either player can then claim a WoW - Walkover Win.
Match ksiezniczkawegmy-MikeyT95 should play today 18:00pm UK Time, but Mikey didn't come. I won Walkover over Win. Regards
Mikey arrived one minute after your post. Because he was 8 minutes late you can get a WoW. You do not need to play.

Good Luck.
I can play today 18:00pm UK Time. Regards Mikey (room4)
Now I am really confused:

Match ksiezniczkawegmy-MikeyT95 should play today 18:00pm UK Time, but Mikey didn't come. I won Walkover over Win. Regards 

ksiezniczkawegmy, you aren't playing in the 2011 World Championships. Help!
Lol, I am caroline_l but in this forum my first nick is caroline_l. 
ksiezniczkawegmy is my nick in game. 
Look on the first page and my save as.
DavAndLally (Canada)

weskoast I'm now in room 4 and waiting for you,if you not come please Muddy give me WoW
do we get VIP status (1 month subscription or whatever it is) for winning the world championships of curling online tournament?
Haven't a clue. You had better approach FlyOrDie and ask them.
You'll stand a better chance of winning if you enter!
Isnt it too late to enter, cause i will if i can
The 2011 "Worlds" are in "Summer Recess"!
A number of players have played two - three rounds, and are waiting to play on. For others, only the first round is complete.
Play will resume at the end of the (Northern Hemisphere) Summer; possibly on 1st October. I am going to start another thread.

Anyone who wishes to enter should leave their e-mail and country in the thread 2011 Worlds before 1st October. I will contact them when play resumes
 No entries will be possibly thereafter - unless I need more players to fill a group.

Please do not post here.

Good Luck,

MuddyD AT gmx.ca
bakkenboy (bakkenboy@gmail.com)CANADA
bakkenboy (bakkenboy@gmail.com)CANADA
nologic England 

Probably too late this time but I'd like to join asap.
briwil canada foxgambit@hotmail.com
It's October - so let play resume!
 which points to 

Round1 GroupK can start now - once I add briwil as player8 and get the e-mail addresses published. They are scattered in the forum in various posts.

Thanks for restarting Muddy.
Im a qualifier from group g, will you be publishing our next matches shortly?
Hi Vas,
My pleasure - and thank you for your support. The key to the whole thing is at:
 As you say, you qualified for the second round from Group G, and will join 4 players from Group H there. Unfortunately there was a tie for 4th place in Group H, and I have asked the two players to play-off to decide who goes through. I have asked them to play before next Monday, and Round2Green should be able to start thereafter.
If they don't play I'll put foward a "best 5th" from one of the other groups. I did this with EveMuirhead who was third in a 3-way playoff for 3rd in groupD - so finished 5th. The two players in GroupG who were tied for 4th didn't play-off; so Eve got put forward. My other rule, and it is me who makes them up(!) is that those who play their matches get priority over those who don't. I hope you'll agree this is "fair".
No doubt somebody will tell me it isn't - but folk will always bleat at the referee!

PS The Argentinian Centre was so offside when Dan Parks was trying to score the winning drop goal that he could have taken it himself! Dan Parks was forced on to his less strong foot - and missed. Unfortunately the referee, who is the sole judge on these matters, decided otherwise and didn't award Scotland a penalty. Argentina won - and Scotland are on the plane home.
I told you somebody would bleat!

Many thanks - from Austria - for your efforts ...
By all means post "challenges" here - but I suggest e-mail as well or instead. 
Dear Muddy, I'd like to know, if the results of the first round will be "taken" to the second round.

Many thanks in advance, HGT
Hello HGT,
No - they don't. Each round simply decides who qualifies - then the slate gets wiped clean for the next round.


Site  works ok now problem with my explorer thanks
Results posted here don't count. I can't go looking all over the universe to try and find them. But do post here - as a duplicate.
They MUST be posted on my tournament pages - you will need to refresh the page or even close then restart your browser to see them, though.