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straight-ish shots?
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straight-ish shots?
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straight-ish shots?
I sent a stone aiming at edge of red but it hardly curled in, in a later shot I send a stone a little wider and it almost goes straight down the middle, costing two shots.

What is wrong?
I Dont Play Curling But I Would Say You are Puttin To Much Power on I Would Not Say Anything Is Wrong In The Real World Ive Seen Them Go Straight.

Thanks Southen 10.
Hmm, I don't know, Scott. If shots gets too precise we might see runbacks being made nine out of ten times, which wouldn't be too good for the game in my opinion. Also I'm afraid it would make it too easy to draw hair tight to guards every time, and know exactly how many sweeps is required for a perfect freeze. But I would like to see hitting being just a tad easier tho.
I think that there should be no variance in the shots that are played being introduced by the computer. The skill is in playing the right weight with the right ice, do everything right and you make it. Like real curling, do everything right, you make it. Well Pretty much anyway.

It doesnt really bother me, i would just prefer that. Also, being able to throw it harder would be coooooool. 
Nothing wrong, and it's not the ice. It is the throw. With some experience you can actually see as the stone is sent whether it's in or out on line. Much like in real curling one doesn't always hit the broom.

I haven't quite figured out if they miss the broom as much with different weight, but guards and draws will be slightly off as well as heavier shots. Obviously it's more of a challenge with big weight (if we can call the hardest shots 'big weight') as sweeping can't adjust as much.

It is realistic that the throwing isn't on the money each time. Still I think that hitting is a bit too difficult compared to how easy draw weight is. So if anything is 'wrong' it's that the big weight could be slightly more precise than it is, as well as being quite a bit harder, to make it more realistic. On the other hand play gets more aggressive and intriguing when it's harder to move a lot of granite in one shot.
What is wrong?

You complain too much.
its called curling real ice works the same even in non-world nothing is perfect