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Major revamp required
Major revamp required
Major revamp required
I get the general feeling that people are getting fed up with the same old games and too many disconnect's.

I think some of the games could do with a revamp and a bit more variety added, as well as the forum pages could do with a new look? 

How bout getting rid old messages like from 2006 etc? Doe's anybody still read them that far back? 

I think new improvements will bring lots more new players. 
So What do you think? How would you improve it? 
I agree, especially about getting rid of posts that are 4 or more years old! That would free up space to make some other improvements I would think.

This is a very good idea! I like it!

>How bout getting rid old messages like from 2006 etc? Doe's anybody still read them that far back?

I actually do from time to time, for nostalgia purposes :p Some of the posts from a few years back are legendary (and also to pull faces at some of the posts I made in my "early" days :|!)

But yes I agree. A forum revamp as well as some updates to games are necessary, particularly some bug fixes (Timeout on Blackball anyone?).

Unfortunately I've come to the point where I've lost the will to make suggestions on here. Since I started on the forum I've seen many 
 ideas proposed and eventually dissapear down the forum lists without any aknowledgement from FOD. Many other forum veterans will agree with me I'm sure.

Flyordie currently make plenty of money from products that have hardly changed since they were introduced. Can you blame them for not wanting to change things? Probably not. I am, however, interested to know where all the money they make goes and what kind of percentage is reinvested into updates and reprogramming. ;)