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Gomoku update
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Go Moku
Gomoku update
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Go Moku
Gomoku update
The GOMOKU game has been updated for hopefully the greatest satisfaction of all of our gomoku players.

The update includes:
 - ability to select number of games (currently only for subscribers) in a match

If a match consists of more games, and one of the player quits (intentionally OR unintentionally) before the match is completed, the remaining games are declared to be won by the other player.

How the number of games is decided for a match:
	- if one player has a special setting, it will decide
	- if noone has a setting, then obviously the default (1) will be the number of games
	- if both players have settings, then the setting of the player who is being challenged will be accepted

This setting can be seen in the lobby next to the player's name (if available), and on the challenge dialog as well.

The setting can be adjusted in the "Game and Chat Settings" (icon with a cog), where you also have the possibility to change some chat settings.

Muted/demerited players are now hidden by default.

The last move can be shown by pressing f2 on the keyboard (this setting can be adjusted in the "game settings" as well).


I think it's good to make updates as soon as possible, the players do not get tired and have more desire to continue in their favorite games.

i think a good update would be
have an option to have a game of banning 3-3
cause people win only by 3-3 , 3-4 , or 4-4
but if 3-3 is allowed, the person who goes first can force a win by a certain procedure, as i heard

and the official rule for gomuko is that you cannot have 3-3s, cause game ends too quick, and victory is very sensitive for someone who goes first,and you dont have to think much for someone whos already having an advantage where its impossible to recover for the defending side
IMHO, last move must be colored (or backgrounded) in another color. Because, sometimes you missed the opponent's move, and have to look around all over the table to find it.
Dear Developers, can you do something like "game log".
For example, I loose the game and want to see where I move wrong.
Its can be done two ways:
1. CheckBox "show number", and then I can save just picture of the board.
2. Button "show log", which pop-up "log-window" or saves txt-file with game log (something like that):


And, if player use this function not just for playing, but for traing, its may be done "for subscribers only". :-(