why does fly or die allow players use programs? do you think it is "fair"? should they not allow players to use programs? - reply to topic as/of your opinion(s) -
awnser these questions...
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Four in a Row
awnser these questions...
why does fly or die allow players use programs? do you think it is "fair"? should they not allow players to use programs? - reply to topic as/of your opinion(s) -
Well, i used to program, i used mustrum at first as all noobs do, then i was given Vianiato, then over time my skills increased and i started to understand the connect 4 game more, then i learned from the program and i no longer use it, with the prog i got to 895, and without i have been about 730, im glad with this becuse it shows that people really do learn from programs, also i think this is the reason why FOD let programs to be used. P.S. i havnt used Vianiato + since May 2009, :p, gl to all :p
We had this discussion with OPERATOR (the head of FOD) some year ago. I remember he replied that it's human nature to cheat. Can't prevent human nature, huh? ;)
I still talk to Frank :) btw this is Mike aka The New Mike nice to see you again everyone