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How to Pot Shots. Any Hints?
How to Pot Shots. Any Hints?
How to Pot Shots. Any Hints?

Im new to this Game and looking for some Online Readings or VIdeos on how to Pot shots on Snooker.

Anyone got any Hints on how to get a good Aim?
use the practice facility, with the path, that will help to train your eyes to the right angle.. like real snooker, this game is all bout practice practice practice

But also, my big tip is to use fine aim on long shots, but not on close ones, some reason it pushes the wrong angles when i use fine aim close up... a
Thx fior your Hints.

Did you all Practice with the Online Version and play opponents or with the Offline Version?

Are there any diffrence with aiming? 
I would say if you're used to either online or the pc game version then stick with it. I've noticed I do play slightly poorer on the online version (I nearly always use the pc application). It's probably because I'm more used to looking at the pc game screen rather than specific aiming differences though.
online version is better and easier than pc version (at least for me)