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Losing Points
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Dear Moderators
Losing Points
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Dear Moderators
Losing Points
I dont care if this is in the forum or not, but was wondering why my score yesterday was 400 for the "four in a row" (the rating) and when i come in today it is 396.  DO you automatically deduct points each day?  Also, there is a issue with your pop-up's canceling the game screen and obviously when that happens we are forced to lose points because it looks like we quit the game.

<<< Yes, points are deducted everyday, in all games >>>
Forgive me if im wrong but didnt he ASK 
the question, he didnt answer it, did he?

"DO you automatically deduct points each day?"

He did answer his own question lol
> you answer your own question when you asked so i dont know why you posted this... 

No he didnt :p

This part:
<<< Yes, points are deducted everyday, in all games >>>
was added by the moderator that approved his post.
They deduct you a certain number of points each day so a player cant 'sit' on a high rating for long without playing.
you answer your own question when you asked so i dont know why you posted this... but you lose a certain amount depending on how many points and think about this for a min on why they do it. somebody subscribes they get really high and quiet. well what if nobody could reach that point. thats just why i think it is

and subscribing makes it so there is no ads btw.