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Who Dares Wins (wdw) league
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Who Dares Wins (wdw) league
Posted in 
Who Dares Wins (wdw) league
Hi all,
 Just a quick note to all if u are interested in becoming a member of the wdw league which is the strongest league on fod with over 20 trnys a day ...
we play in league room 3 in 8 ball 
All Welcome to join our strong league
   plz click the link and follow the instructions 
hope to see you all in the league room soon :D
looney (head admin)
Also just started doing Snooker Lite in Lite Room 2.

Biggest league on FOD, tournaments ran daily in 8 ball league room 3.

Lewis :D
I wonder,

what league really is active

at times around

1900  / 2300 GMT+1

oh by the way, hello xD
If u mean 23:00 PM UK time than roc www.myleague.com/roc if u mean 19:00 PM UK time then its wdw :)
About time we started doing lite trnies.. Only game i'm actually good at :P
About time too, lite is the only game i can win at :P
what is blaackberry i know its a phone. do you know loz goes on flyordie, facebook. lol anyway
what is blackberry i know its a phone. do you know loz goes on flyordie, facebook. lol anyway
>what is blackberry i know its a phone. do you know loz goes on flyordie, facebook. lol anyway

Go away.

after a few weeks, I do ahve to say wdw is pretty active :)


Wish there would be twice as much (active) members, hosting a tournament is fun, hosting a format 3 v 3 is a lot more fun,

I've yet to make a 4 v4  or  5 v 5  ..due the numbers of people online... I have not yet,

so wdw, good luck on getting twice as much (active) members :D

The lg has 201 active atm. 

 It's not like the league is lacking active members now is it:D
 its free to join and alot of active members, we run tourneys in 8 ball , 9 ball and in both snookers lite & pro so i am sure if u injoy playing lges, wdw can make tourneys for where ppl would like to play , but ur main rm is in 8 ball lge rm 3 all ppl are welcome to join and admin are on all day to answer any questions u may have, 

hope to see you all soon :D 

 best lge in fod :D
I would just like to say to Wirindre and all the rest of our staff including all our members in www.myleague.com/wdw , that thanks to everyones support and help,the league is doing great.Like most leagues there not always as active as they can be at times.Somtimes people just arent online during the times a particular league is running tournaments.Wir you are a very good td and im sure you will get the tournaments you like to run. Mayb not as often as i like,but thats the way it goes.Some days ROCK and some days don't

oops lol  Correction there >>> 
Mayb not as often as i like

Mayb not as often as you like :) 
There are mean people,
Keen people,
People that are in
Between people

There are nice people,
Rolling dice people,
People with hearts of
Ice people

There are cool people,
School people,
People who follow the
rules people

There are sweet people,
Neat people,
People who
Rub your feet people

There are bug people,
Smug people
People who give you
hugs people

There are funny people,
Nunny people,
People who are
tidy and cunning people

There are smart people,
Warm heart people
People who wanna be
Apart from people

There are lazy people,
Crazy people,
People who pick
daisies people

There are joke people,
Coke people,
People who like
to poke you people

There are pain people,
Can people,
People who say its gonna
Rain people

There are dish people,
Fish people,
People who like to
wish people

There are mopey people,
Dopey people,
People with lots of
hopey people

There are seer people,
Deer people,
People who like to
Drink beer people

There are trail people,
Sail people,
People who give you your
Mail people

There are shoe people,
True people,
People who paint
with blue people

There are dog people,
Smog people,
People who like
to saw logs people

There are flying people,
Dying people,
People who are
Crying people

There are baby people
Maybe people,
People who drive
A Mercedes people

There are close people,
Nose people,
People who goes
where you goes people

There are ring people
Thing people,
People who like
to sing people

There are candy people,
Dandy people,
People whose names are
Randy people

There are work people,
Jerk people,
People who are a
Salesclerk people

There are phone people,
Alone people,
People who examine
bones people

There are pill people,
Ill people,
People who like to
Kill people

There are style people,
Smile people,
People who
Run for miles people

There are good people,
Wood people,
People who are
hoods people

There are scream people,
Ice cream people,
People who dare
to dream people

And of all the different people
Peopleing this earth,
Each and everyone
Has his or her own unique worth. 

Wdw have all types of this people! But we still know that we are best and we have the BEST people! Let WDW live forever!

I've let out some howls,
When hurting my balls.
I've had pain and torture and everything that goes with it,
And cursed them all.
It's been no bed of roses,
No pleasure cruise,
I've had my share of gravel under my tyres,
But I've spun through.

We are the champions, my friends.
We kept on cycling to the end.
We are the champions,
We are the champions,
No time for losers, 'cos we are the champions.
Of the world.

I've clicked in my shoes,
Time after time.
I've swallowed some midges,
But passed them through fine.
And bad mistakes,
I've made a few,
I've had my share of water splashed in my face,
But I've come through.

We are the champions, my friends.
We kept on cycling to the end.
We are the champions,
We are the champions,
No time for losers, 'cos we are the champions.
Of the world. 

WDW the best and you people have to remember that :)

lol john bet this took time to type :D :D
Lol John... got bored 1 afternoon?
na :p Just go to google, type poem about people. Copy all that and past it here :) Then wrote 2 lines witch took 20 secs then again google :) And again 10 secs!! Lmao :D Well took me about 2 mins on all that :p
 Free Signup Every1 Welcome :) 

Hope to cya all there:D
Has been a few changing faces on the admin side.  But it hasn't affected the way the league is run, top job.  WDW still the biggest & most active league on fOD.

Keep up the good work, great league to be apart of.
thanks lewis your inspiring for so little  go hillsborugh
>thanks lewis your inspiring for so little go hillsborugh

Thom grow up you pathetic old man.  Why would i want to go Hillsborough?  
if 24  royals is thom   they need to shoot him. hes got dupe accounts in  sarahs lge. he was only playing in snooker under  hawkeye09 while they were trying to run 9 ball torny with 3 ppl in the room . bang bang . comic stuff is out the window these days. ppl try to run a lge properly  but it aint happening with urs the stats r not too good  and id be ashamed to advertise it
lol, I told ya long time ago that 24 Royals is MR.THOM and why would I like check Hillsbrough topic?? Thats what u wrote me Lobby...Its like death threat or what??

For being best league on FOD.
Reversi tournaments :)


FlyOrDie Moderator

[Edited by: ThUnDeR on 13-Jan-2012 11:59]
I join on another nic.. Not letting me play coz they think i'm someone on a "90 day box" lol, So why can't you let me.  A mod will tell you i'm not OMG. Maybe you will tell me here you don't seem to talk in 8ball....
if wdw is running reversi tourneys you'd have to remove bald steve dont know how he plays but its too good.

@arsenal fc your nic is contraversial as were all manchester united fans  (lmao) but on a serious note you'd have to speak to looney hes usually on about 11pm in australian time  (think thats afternoon in uk time).
i think wdw is great only this ng i could say i wish tds would advertise 30 mins before any tourney in all room 1s 8 ball 9 ball snooker n so on... but they dont but if they did they would gradually see more members n more in tourneys wont happen over nite but will happen those that were around wen upa2 was running would know how many u could get in tourneys...was alot some days 10-20 sometimes more n that wasnt toc tourneys lol
well leaf its all good saying advertise 30minutes before the tourney but depending whos on it doesnt always work.alot of times we get players walk in room demand link then leave 2seconds later because no ones posted the link (takes about 10seconds for league page to load if no ones linked next then 5 seconds to post the link).some people join a tourney and withdraw a minutes later cause they think theres not enough players then after addy theres 8 (or more) in tourney.i spent 3hours the otherday advertising 1 tourney and eventually only got 6 in.its more about providing tourneys when there are active players in the room wanting to play or running tourneys when players want them.

actually leaf if you want to make a difference and show us how its done become a td.
A bump to probably 
 best league that existed on FOD.

Anyone still here?
Ya loueeee dude i'm still  around from time to  time  ha ha   XD wdw was the best lg  ever on fod  but you and me had the best snook lg together  :p
>you and me had the best snook lg together  

We sure did Jas!  How you been?  Hopefully see you in the lobbies for some games.
I'm  doin  good  bro. finally  got a decent paying job, new truck,  and house man  how  bout  you ?
>I'm doin good bro. finally got a decent paying job, new truck, and house man how bout you ?

House, married.. all grown up lol  Good to hear you well!
Just a quick note to shout out to everyone in WDW, I'm back after a very very long hiatus. I hope everyone is still around. I will look on the league site, and see about reregistering.
See you all soon.
>Just a quick note to shout out to everyone in WDW, I'm back after a very very long hiatus. I hope everyone is still around. I will look on the league site, and see about reregistering.  See you all soon.

No-one plays in Leagues anymore. :(
Many, many fond memories of hours spent in League Room 3 with WDW.

By far the greatest league I ever played in on FOD. I live in hope of a magic revival one day...

I think very few, if any, of the old regulars from 10 years ago are still on FOD these days sadly. If anyone is still around make yourself known!!
