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Helpful Advise for Newcombers
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Helpful Advise for Newcombers
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Helpful Advise for Newcombers
After years of paying attention to this site and how people make this fun for themselves and others, I have come up with serveral points that can help you and others!

 Be kind to the Moderators and follow FoD's rules. Your username will go along way if you do this.

 Play more than one game with someone. Dont be a runner. This will help you make some friends. Don't ask that a/s/l question. You'll most likly not get an answer. Just a Nice conversation can go a long ways.

Join those Tournaments that you see other players Advertising. This will help you make friends and enjoy playing pool. The Tournament Director (TD) will gladly help you sign up for the tournaments. You can even gain more points and even prizes. 

 And here is a little helpful tip that can help your game till you get better. Use a ruler or any strait object. Just put it up to your screen and line it up with the white ball. It helps as an aimer to where your cue ball will go. Just adjust the length to the balls on the table. 

I hope these will help the few who reads this and anyone else with helpful advise please post!!

ABSOLUTELY Jurai--thanks for putting that in! That is also a great tool, even though it can be very difficult to use it when all you want to do is lash out and say mean things to someone who isn't being very kind to you.

I have gotten satisfaction though from watching someone get booted or demerited when I know it was deserved and justified. It made me feel better to know that I didn't rise to the level of that person and that I ignored it and came out the other side with no ban or demerit on my name.

Yes. Forgot to mention the mute button. Instead of getting into those annoying arguements that you will end up getting booted from the site for a few days or a demerit, mute the person and send in some ss's (screen shots) to the moderators. To take a screen shot, there is a button on your key board that says 
Print Screen
 Save that picture to Microsoft Word and send the picture to the moderators. 
They will ban the person or give them a dermerit and you wont get in trouble what so ever. Makes you feel a little better inside. 

Great comments will do with the ruler lol cause my aiming is bad :)
This is cool advice...and another tip: if someone is making you upset or angry, WALK AWAY from your computer for a while instead of saying something potentially unkind or stupid...you will be more respected if you don't rise to the level of an abuser.

(Had to learn that the HARD way in the 4 years I have been on FOD now!)

What a thoughtful post!  :)  Very cool!