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here op....
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Dear Moderators
here op....
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
here op....
Dear Pot,

The same thing again...
Can you please provide some proof about a moderator behaving badly?

Seems like no you cannot...
Why is this?


in reply to this message i have sent numerous screenshots about me being 'slagged'  off by the moderator canTANKerous and what did you do with this PROOF oh yeh lemmie think BUGGER ALL
you had the proof so whats your excuse for it this time...
a reply would be nice for a change 

Well I guess I aint got nothing to do but back Ya up on this Games, here ya go Daniel


enjoy. ;)
i guess this is just the start of it you have like 20 moderators watching us.

well at last count we have 280 people watching them at different times of day i guess we are the moderators moderators lol :p

Dyno aka Pot ;)
that doesnt prove anything.. for once i am with FOD..  you have not included what YOU said to the mod or what PeachySweet said to the mod.  PeachySweet has a big track record of causing trouble with mods anyway.

Them pictures are useless... only thing that was said bad there was $lag... Streamline did not say anything.

Yet again PeachySweet.. do i smell something?
LOL ermm why was i pictured saying cockney?? maybe someone maybe kind enuff to explain what the word means i cant be botherd be good ;)

Ps gota agree with tommy :p
after a close and thorough examination of the evidence...
it appears to be what's called a "non-event"   :p

aside from the fact that private messages are not viewable by the moderators....
I can only suggest...  
if someone types something that offends you..  

mute em ! :)

Well Ghostrider if it was at all possible for us to "Mute" as you say we would except for the fact as well as everyone knows its virtually 
 to Mute a moderator. And in the screen shot it clearly shows the two people whom were having the conversation were none other then Gamesmaster and Your co Moderator cantankerous. 
Oh also by the way that really is me Snooker in my personal information!!! I ain't the type of person to go and put someone else on there. And If ya don't belive that its me you can ask Magikal, or even Scotty :)
hmmm, ghost when they invent a way of muting a mod let me know, i will be glad to use it
and in reply to...
aside from the fact that private messages are not viewable by the moderators
if you look who the private messages were too you might re-consider your previous statement

the point we are getting at with this topic is that members say this kind of thing day in day out and gain demerits bans etc...
whats different about mods why are they an exception to us the same rules i thought applied to 

i guess in showing people what mods are really like they would see that they arent the little goodie goodies they make out that they are...
we have to go by the rules otherwise we get punished... why are mods an exception because they have power or because they have the power to abuse their power...
someone explain it to me because i dont know...
ok let me clear something up... people think im directing what i say at ALL mods, this is not the case
some mods are great and do a fab job, my objective with this topic is to expose the useless ones and the kind of things they get up to behind our backs...
this was in no way supposed to pull down the good ones, it was supposed to bring to our attention the things we dont and the things they can get away with...
im not having a popularity contest with people so say what you want about me i dont care, i still say mods and umpires do a great job but this is supposed to expose the ones abusing their power, not pull ALL the fod staff down


Dear gamesmaster,

In fact moderators are subject to stricter rules than players. What is generally overlooked in case of simple players is not tolerated from moderators.

One of our mods, canTANKerous, obviously used some inappropriate expressions here, though clearly not even close to the level of those for which our players get banned.

Anyway, he had been given an official warning, if anything like this happen in the future, please let us know about it.

Thanks for your help,

i thank you very much and thanks for the favourable reply

Ok...... Storm.... eh well this is how it is, I had asked 2 well valued people on ur staff if we the members were allowed to say c*ckney and they replied with can you spell it without altering it? And well I said no you can't and then I asked well could we get a ban or even a demerite and they replied with yes. And well that was the reason that screen shot was there. Now however I have been told by one of those same people that that word is a expression used in Europe. So I do however appologize for Posting that screen shot and causeing any distractions or problems for you. I hope that you can forgive me for my mistake. As for the streamline one that one got mixed up with another shot that was supposed to have been there. :s
Hay Peachy. I tried the site you posted, but it dinat work? How come?
hrrrrrmmmmm interesting reply from operator as nice as it was that he has done something i dont believe that he quite undersatnds what silly reasons some players get banned for:|

Operator says:

In fact moderators are subject to stricter rules than players. What is generally overlooked in case of simple players is not tolerated from moderators.

One of our mods, canTANKerous, obviously used some inappropriate expressions here, 
though clearly not even
close to the level of those for which our players get banned.

Now that isnt entirly true as a player on here actually got his name banned for saying "poo" even several
moderators have said that this was infact wrong and he should 
 of been banned for that.

So a player gets banned for saying "poo" and a moderator gets a warning for saying the word he did ;) and that is infact stricter rules for moderators :| hrmmmmm

But i dont just say things i back them up :) as i was asked for proof by operator so we get it for him:)


Extra Special :)
here to only help and protect the members of fly or die...
o yea before i forget at no point are we saying all moderators are bad nor are we saying that they need to all be removed.
on the whole they do do a good job just in some instances they do go way to far and really they do need to carm down or they may end up banning everyone on the site :(


Extra Special 
here to help and look out for the members of fly or die...

Èxt®å_ŠþëÇíâl, or should I say Pot?
no matter...
I see a comment on that page..portion below:


interesting...I never said a word to this question...I was busy in a match...

funny how one can type what was never said....

just wanted to clear that up  ;)


oh and by the way....I see that address 

(the site where images are stored)
belongs to you Pot...I think I still hear that axe grinding... :p

I have not said i was Pot nor have i deniyed being Pot

i`m not here to debate who i am or who i`m not anyway I`m only here to help the fly or die members and do exactly what the OPERATOR told us to do get proof of moderators obusing there powers and upseting the loyal members off fly or die.

Extra Special
here only 2 help and look out for the members off flyordie

o yea ghost 1 last thing if you are going to post a message in my guestbook then plz have the guts to use your own name :| instead of attempting to make someone who is only trying to help the members of this great site look silly.:|
now the axe grinding is getting even louder... :p

guest book?  
what guest book?:|

 Re: here op....  Posted: Jun 8, 2003 4:35 PM  
Èxt®å_ŠþëÇíâl, or should I say Pot?
no matter...
I see a comment on that page..portion below:


interesting...I never said a word to this question...I was busy in a match...

funny how one can type what was never said....

just wanted to clear that up 

ghost can u comment about the other screenshots of you and storm? plz :) (when queen said the s word and nothing was done) 

i thought moderators cannot mute players themselves ...well in room1 i was asking topz why igot demerited several times and he didnt reply and kept running into games away ...then i challenged himhe rejected in a instance so i thought he's muted me so i challenged again another 2 times to make sure and he rejected twice in an instance...so he must have muted meunless he was waiting on me which i doubt very much...this is good moderator???muting players himself?
site of the screenshots are there help you save time 

rank :)
Evo don't u have a demerite? If so then ya he has you muted, Mods get that privaledge of muting us but we can't mute them.
mods cannot mute players themselves they have to hear what every1 is saying they can demerit so other players cannot hear them but the mods are still supposed to see what they write.
Oh but to the contrary mods do mute us ask daniel
im interested, i start a post for me op and peachys lil piccys and now its turned into an argument about the mods... can this stop please 
i only intended something to get done about my problem not for you to fight with yourselfs 
we can always pull the mods down but the fact is they will be there no matter what, so its just put up or shut up because it will either get worse or more people will be banned...
any chance of a reply plz ghost?

Dear Èxt®å_ŠþëÇíâl,

I do not really know the circumstences, of this "poo" ban, however, as you mention if he was Scotty, then I am not at all surprised, as this was probably not the only reason, since he likes to use inappropriate language quite frequently. Moreover in case of repeated offenders there is no warning given neccessarily before banning.

Just because someone says "poo" and gets banned after this immediately doesn't mean this was the direct cause of the banishment. In some cases bans can even occur 1-2 days after using bad words, eg when we recieve some complaints in form of screenshots.


hello operator what do you make of these screenshots?


operator you have it wrong!!!! i did not get an immediate ban..i got booted from the room then i come bak in and ask why i got booted ...booted again..log bak in..booted again i didnt even talk so i ask luna why she keeps booting me as she is only moderator ther she doesnt answer ...i say i used to like u ..she like awww ...then i say why did u boot me loadza times..next thing im banned! now why did i get banned it says provoking..she wanted me to swear at her...why wud she boot so many times..i didnt even speaks so get your facts right operator! and look at chat logs...you've been doing enough of that aint u jus do it 1 more time to see what really happened instead of saying stuff which u dont have a clue about!
Should we ban everyone who says "sh*t"?

I don't know about anyone who got banned and his/her only crime was to say this only once, especially in a private room...

Scotty: first you say you only said poo, then you say you haven't said a word... strange...


this is barmy :| 
u tell us to get proof of moderators not carring out there duty`s or banning people for silly reasons we do this and you still dont do anything:| only stick up for them when it is ovious that they have infact done wrong.

When i was a mod i never banned someone without a very good reason more than i can say for some of them at the moment.The only reason you removed me was because i made the choice to back a league member over what i still say was a harsh ban and we both know that was the only thing i ever did wrong against fly or die
Yet the mods now can do practacally do anything 
swear , ban people for silly reasons , make fun off their moderator dutys 
this list could go on and on 4 ages but i`ll leave it at that

oh and knowing some people on here i`ll answer you before you have even said it :p

No i am not jelous of the moderators I dont miss the job and i wouldnt want the job back (red writing was fun but that bout it lol):p

Sooner or later u will have 2 do sommat Danial

OPERATOR i said matt play me u piece of poo.....then i get booted only other things i said was to luna in why did she boot me or why does she keep booting me...keep coming up with other things to wriggle out of it op..u just cant take your moderators done wrong..and also u wont do a thing about em.
as the axe grinds on....:p

honestly.. this all reminds me of little kids arguing at the school play ground... 

"my daddy can beat up your daddy !"

or maybe....

"I'm takin my toys and goin home" 

pretty crazy stuff for educated people if anyone was to ask me....
<shakes head in amazement>

anyway....nuff said.....off we go... 
GHOST is done with this thread...
on to more important fun..  like playing TANX :p

have fun with your Moderator bashing topic

FlyOrDie Moderator
at your service ! !
Should we ban everyone who says "sh*t"?
3.2  vulgar langugage 

when theres 2 mods in the same room you kindda expect that they "do their duties" 

I don't know about anyone who got banned and his/her only crime was to say this only once, especially in a private room...
should it matter if its said once or 10 times soon as it said the person responsible has broke the rules. yes?
THE MOD SETUP              
the mod set up could it be changed ? say if a mod could only appear in the lobby but without being able to chat (as the red typeing causes jealousy among registered people) then if anyne broke the rules the mod could  simply ban/demerit and email sent to the person responisble.  

hrmmmmmmm i rest my case how childish is this they have moderators posting replys like this which has only 1 purpose to provoke an argument :|

as the axe grinds on....

honestly.. this all reminds me of little kids arguing at the school play ground... 

"my daddy can beat up your daddy !"

or maybe....

"I'm takin my toys and goin home" 

pretty crazy stuff for educated people if anyone was to ask me....
<shakes head in amazement>

anyway....nuff said.....off we go... 
GHOST is done with this thread...
on to more important fun.. like playing TANX 

have fun with your Moderator bashing topic

for your information Ghost i`m not "Mod Bashing" all i have done is provided facts for the members of fly or die to see and done exactly what danial asked us to do :)

Well for the last hour or so there has been exactly 0 moderators in any 8ball 9ball or snooker room and well i have never seen it so peacefull hardly any swearing or fighting which has just proved the point that i made a while back that moderators in the rooms whether intensional or not provoke conflicts between people :)

always loking out for the members of leagues and FOD itelf
Well i have just been asking luna for an explanation in booting me numerous times then banning me and she replys i am not going to give an explanation. this obviosly meaning she knows she's done wrong and cant think of a way to wriggle out of it :) i hope Daniel see's to this in a professional manner and kick her out of the moderating as when she is i ave a few words to say to her. :)
why are all the mods very quiet ???

are they scared to talk lmao.

yup the mods are back in room 1 8ball and its all out war between everyone again :(

it was o so peaceful when they wasnt there but not now 

the facts speak for themselves just look at the chat logs danial and you will see the truth 

Pot ;)
I suppose it's about time for my occasional "essay"in the forum...

Someone asked why the moderators were so quiet... I for one have not responded to all this because I find the vast majority of the complaining totally without merit.

I have often observed the various lobbies (with the exception of Tanx) as "guest" and have yet to see any of this horrible behavior mods are alleged to have committed.

Statements have been made repeatedly to the effect that "mods swear and act just as bad (or worse) as the people they ban," yet the best evidence anyone can come up with is pretty tame and lame. Two Tanx mods allowed someone to say "shlt".... heaven help us!

What happens with screenshots... often intentionally.. is that they don't show but a couple of lines of the conversation...which results in the comments being taken out of context. Would I ban someone for mere use of the word "Poo" or "shlt"? More than likely not, but it would depend entirely on the context... if someone literally just typed the word one time... like in the case of the screenshot presented by Pot... I probably wouldn't take any action either... regardless of whether I knew the person or not. On the other hand if the person had also been exhibiting other bad behavior, it might be differant. 

There are two arguements being put forward that have no basis in logic or reality. First, is that the language and behavior is actually worse now that we have moderatation. Anyone who says this who has been around for two or more years is either lying or has a really poor memory. Someone actually claimed that people in the "good old days" were all polite and friendly... that's hilarious. The flame wars back then were nasty and intense and the best one could do was try and ignore it because there was no mute feature and no moderators. 

The next ludicrous arguement is that moderators actually CAUSE people to curse and act uncivilized. That's like saying the officer on the side of the road there to enforce the traffic laws MADE you exceed the speed limit and that if he hadn't been there, you would have followed the law. I can with a high degree of certainty say that my mere presence in the lobby has never caused anyone to have a sudden and uncontrollable urge to spew filth and vile language and act horribly. That arguement is so without logic as to merit no further rebuttal.

It's interesting that 99% of the complaining is coming from a tiny percentage of the player community. How is it that most players can frequent this site for months and years and never have a run in with the moderators yet this small group claims that the moderators are horrible.

Here is a comparison that comes to mind... who is more likely to hate the police, regular, law abiding citizens, or those that are either on the fringes of the law and/or outright criminals?

Mind you, I don't equate those who won't follow FlyOrDie rules with criminals, but the principal is the same. Those who break the law, or the rules, usually complain about those who enforce them.

As far as I know, moderators are not going away... live with it or find a site that is more to your liking.

Follow the rules... act in a civilized manner and you're not likely to ever have anything other than a pleasant conversation with a moderator.

And if such is ever not the case, by all means, present meaningful evidence. So far there has been none. But if there ever is, those that know me at all, know that I will be the first to call for corrective action.

Your too much peachy..... for once in your life.... STOP causig trouble.... and look on the bright side
hey i agree with Magician!!!
hey magician, i like the essay, but still dont change the fact..
i have seen people banned for sayin s*it, yet i have a screenshot myself of you doing it infront of me and another moderator... how do you explain that one??
and magician, i agree how people saying that its quiet w/o mods being there usually its quiet w/o a mod i agree that but... people you have to think the mods usually come into a FULL room so of course there is going to be arguments there... 
magician, maybe there is a cause to all this complaining im sure people arent 'stupid' enough to complain about nothing and besides the way i see it, the subscribed people on this site are your CUSTOMERS, what happened to the saying 'the customer is always right' its the people playing here that pay for the server, the least the moderation team can do is solve this argument...
i still stand by saying the mods are needed here have you considered recruting mods in different time zones? so at least there is always one on... im looking now and there arent any in any rooms, thats handy if you need one aint it..
enough said, i think the posts by members should be listened to and not just 'go through one ear and out the other' so to speak
oh one more thing i have seen people banned for the most stupid of reasons, calling someone's name and putting a load of a's at the end they got a ban i mean wtf's that about, thats just plain stupidity 
and people the point about this topic was for op to see how the mods treat people NOT to score points off each other, so can you lot back off and keep it clean:)
     it's as simple as this.  moderators are there for a good reson.  there seams to be to many ppl who play that get out of control.  i'm sick of listening to those rude ppl.  there will always be moderators no matter what we say and i'm glad for that.  so if one mod does anything that is against the rules just report him, that easy.  if the operator feels he is breaking the rules i'm sure it will be dealt with.  especialy if it's the same mod that continues to be reported.  ok, i said my piece.  thank you!

Jingle stfu i aint doing nothing to cause problems so stfu and myob!! You are by far not the most mature on this site and by far the least angel. So stop kissing azz and instead grow up.
thats easily solved lol general hawk :p

if peachy lets me have the pics i`ll host them on upa2.com :)

Pot :)
What started off as simply exposing certain moderators for abusing there positions and banning for silly reasons has now turned into a full blown moderator hunt :| this wasnt the intended action as most of the moderators are actually decent people that do a good job and they themselves are now being targeted.:(

This has got to stop as does moderators banning people for silly minor offences.

We all need to work with the moderators as do they need to work together with us all to improve the site and make it even better than it already is.

So i ask you all please dont continue with the "moderator hunt" as if it does continue then things shall only get a lot worse on the fly or die site itself.

Pot ;)
A cease fire seems like a good idea to me Pot 
moderators are not here to ruin any ones good time,
moderators are posted to the games to
ensure everyone enjoys the games, but, after all
we are only human as well, we are not robots
programmed to respond exactly alike in all situations
so..that being said... onward and upward as the saying go's
lets all work together for a common goal...
a better gaming environment = better gameplay for everyone...and better gameplay = more subscribers...more subscribers for FlyOrDie means they are here to stay.
I for one would like to see them succeed in this enterprise. 


well said pot !!

ghost ? hmmmmm
ok, truce, for a week, we will see how things go
just tell the other moderators what you have said, ie, your also human and remember the human trates we all posses when banning ppl.

I think if everyone, including players and mod, used there comon sense then we would all be happy, its not to much to ask.
Ok modearator and opperator explain this i have a hacker i know who it is i have told a moderator but they done nothing about it and i was on holiday came back to play and i had a demerit point if this dont change i want my subscription money back :@
Why don't you change your password if I may ask, when you suspect that someone else might know it (or "hacked you" as you say it)?

probabl because hes told u already and he was on holiday, wheres the confution 
u being bad again peachy....lol

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