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8 ball team wanna join
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8 ball team wanna join
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8 ball team wanna join
 im making an 8 ball pool team open to all members we will challenge other members of flyordie an train against each other i will watching this topic very closely like daily so if you wanna join reply to this message and leave your usernames i hope ur good at 8 ball 1st member helps me pick team name!!!!!
soz guys its my stupid couson messing about
hey could i join im pretty good, whan do you geys get on :)
yes i would be honored to join
yes seems lik a good idea im in:)
Hi I would like to play 8 ball in your team can you help...Bob
i would like to join your team
goodluck with your leage. if you or anyone is interested we have a league up www.myleague.com/vampire we always have tournaments going on and have alot of good fair players all are welcome
 I will join my nick is Rando13 if you will have me I need to train with experienced people It will make me that much better
lol this thread started in june 15 and people still say there inand thinks its goin on:|
veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
yh my user is ояigiиaL im a professional 8-balL player.
Im bein nosey... Who is on the team already mate?
As people are re-posting in an old thread & not using the forum to search for active leagues, I will post a link to each current active league so you can join.


8 Ball League Room 2


8 Ball League Room 3 (Mainly)


8 Ball League Room 5

FlyOrDie Moderator