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Mustrum crashes
Mustrum crashes
Mustrum crashes
My mustrum program always crashes.
I used to think it was something with my computer,
but now I installed on my computer at work, and it crashes again.
Just wondering, does anyone else encouter the same problem?


Just an idea. Some programs crash when you burn them to cd. as files are no longer writeable.
So make sure nothing is read only...
You are riding who? Dude, I don't even wanna know ;)
i'm not ghostrider, i'm the ghost.  And im saying, he only rides ME 
lol fstal, didn't know u were GhostRider.

Blue, sorry to disappoint you, but the real Ghost it is me ;)
Look at the creation of my nick ;)

To get back to the topic:
F*** mustrum indeed. I have vianiato as well, and it is a lot better.

Thnx for all your replies :)
Id help u but i use vianiato and i encounter the same problem can any1 help me with this??? and wen i used mustrum it used 2 crash on me so i stopped using it:p
Im sorry but im the real ghost :p you 2 are just wanabees :)

The Blue Devil B-)
by the way i'm a big fan of ur new nick lol.  But i'm afraid there aint room for the both of us ghosts in this town.  GhostRider is MINE so back off :p
nope mine doesn't crash sorry.  Do you have 2.04?

Let me put my settings the same as yours, what are your settings?  As in, which Book, which hashsize, how many seconds to think per move, which color are you?  Which moves are you doing?  Does it have to think a lot or are its moves fast?

who cares about mustrum anyway lol why even practice with it when there's vianiato

unless ur looking for more breaks, in that case keep at it :D
Thnx Blue, now at least I know it is a program fault
and not some computer setting.
Yeah it happens to me like every 8 games or so then i hav to restart it
Haha, could have thought some of those replies would have come.
FYI I don't use programs, at least not on human players.
I do practise with them.
So please spare me these useless comments 

Thnx ;)