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centro breastplate
centro breastplate
centro breastplate
whoever bought the really cheap one from the market, for whatever purpose i would REALLY appreciate it if you could return it. i couldnt buy it myself at the time cos i had real life stuff to sort whilst in the middle of the transfer. 

can someone let me know how much it would cost if i asked them to make me a new one as well. i reckon i might be needing to do this.
D all the items are on the market to build this real quick.Its pretty costly at 29,860,000 at current market prices + 289,999 building cost which = 30,149,999.Which is a bad thing since it can only be sold for 13,200,000.
 I can build it for you but dont want to lose the almost 17 mil.(Which means i would have to get muddyfingers out for several hours to make up for the lose).

There's one already on the Larki market for the aforesaid 13million. And one on TA for the same price. No need to build one... Building one from scratch looked kindof fun... depending on what you call fun ;)

yuck. well the person who bought it i hope you sleep easy in ur bed.